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Ticket UUID: 83d674b2dd2f15cdebb30a6e280e10ae91138f1d
Title: Native tls outgoing mail servers (typically port 465)
Type: RFE Version: 1.19
Submitter: anonymous Created on: 2018-04-24 08:23:43
Subsystem: smtp Assigned To: aku
Priority: 9 Immediate Severity: Important
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2018-06-19 04:15:21
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: aku
    Closed on: 2018-06-19 04:15:21
For smtp servers running native tls connection on port 465 (tipically) I had to patch smtp.tcl in this way for having smtp working fine. Follow the diff

diff /opt/tclrad/lib/tcllib1.19/mime/smtp.tcl .
> #             -tlsimport   after a succesfull socket command, import tls on
> #                          channel - used for native smtps negotiation
>             -tlsimport  {set tlsimport $value}
<                                 -tlspolicy $tlspolicy \
>                                 -tlspolicy $tlspolicy -tlsimport $tlsimport \
> #             -tlsimport   after a succesfull socket command, import tls on
> #                          channel - used for native smtps negotiation
>                             -tlsimport 0 \
>             if { $options(-tlsimport) } { tls::import $state(sd) }
User Comments: aku added on 2018-06-19 04:15:21: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Merged with commit [9073bd414a]

aku added on 2018-06-19 03:57:15:
oops. slipped a month. merge asap.

anonymous (claiming to be Testing) added on 2018-05-19 10:03:28:
I agree with your comments. I have tested succesfully the module downloaded from the trunk. Thank you. Franco.

aku added on 2018-05-18 17:15:32: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Thank you. I have applied it locally now, although not yet committed, nor pushed.

While working on the documentation to describe your new option I had a thought and question:

How are you handling when the TLS package is not present ?

The code seems to assume that TLS is already present, and simply fails if not.

The other parts of smtp.tcl (support for STARTTLS) attempt to `package require tls` and the -tlspolicy option then governs what happens if that fails (error vs continue insecure).

With -tlsimport / native TLS I do not see how it could continue unsecure, so I guess -tlspolicy will not be relevant. However attempting to load tls is something I believe could be added.

... Read the code around the new `tls::import` some more. It is in a catch, so a failed `tls::import` (whether through missing package or failed cert) will close the socket and continue trying with the next server. Like tlspolicy `secure`. Good. I believe I will put a `package require tls` in that place to make the error better when the package is missing, vs negotiation issues.


Ok, this is now in branch [smtp-tlsimport-tkt-83d674b2dd], commit [657782a889].

Please retrieve this and verify that it still works for you as intended.

anonymous (claiming to be Attachment added) added on 2018-05-18 05:48:37:
I provided the requested attachment.

aku added on 2018-05-17 20:00:09:
Franco, can you please make a unified diff (`diff -u`) of your changes, and attach them here ? (The `attach` button is the left-most in the secondary navigation bar. You may have to log in first). In case of trouble with that, make it a comment. The important part to me is to get the patch as `unified diff`, because that makes application much easier. A patch as given in the description I would have to apply very much manually, i.e. search the locations, etc.
