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Ticket UUID: 60160205fe965d617482fd65dee13031fc16a1b7
Title: Broken support for LDAPS
Type: Bug Version: 1.19
Submitter: pda Created on: 2018-05-11 12:37:13
Subsystem: ldap Assigned To: aku
Priority: 8 Severity: Critical
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2018-09-24 18:38:58
Resolution: Accepted Closed By: aku
    Closed on: 2018-09-24 18:38:58
Description: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Support for LDAPS is broken with ldap.tcl (and ldapx.tcl too).

This ticket details a problem and suggest improvements to the ldap/ldapx modules.

1) TLS handshake does not report an appropriate message

  I am trying to connect to our LDAPS server:

  <verbatim>Connection error: Protocol error: Error reading SEQUENCE response for handle ::ldap::ldapsock55682b6a9da0 : error : 562(long list of bytes)</verbatim>

  This message is not useful. While tracking the problem in ldap::secure_connect, I see that tls::handshake is called with async I/O enabled (fconfigure ... -blocking no). If I move this line after the while{1} loop, I get the more meaningful message:

  <verbatim>Connection error: handshake failed: certificate verify failed</verbatim>

  Conclusion 1 : TLS handshake should run on a blocking connection.

2) ldap::secure_connect does not have appropriate parameters

  ldap::secure_connect accepts only the following TLS related parameters "verify_cert" and "sni_servername". It does not accept the "cafile", "certfile", not "keyfile" parameters (as with ldap::starttls).

  In my problem described in 1), it means that I cannot specify some TLS-related parameters.

  Conclusion 2 : ldap::secure_connect should accept "cafile", "certfile", and "keyfile" parameters.

3) TLS parameters are not in sync with tcltls

  tls::import accepts the cadir/cipher/keyfile/password

  Conclusion 3 : ldap::secure_connect and ldap::starttls should accept these parameters too

4) The "ldap connect" method in ldapx.tcl should accept TLS-related parameters

  Since the "connect" method of ldap objects (in ldapx) calls secure_connect, it should accept the same parameters as ldap::secure_connect.

  Conclusion 4 : add these TLS-related parameters to ldapx

This ticket details some proposals as a basis for discussion, before trying to implement these points.
User Comments: aku added on 2018-09-24 18:38:58: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Patch containing new test reviewed and applied.

Branch completed, merged to trunk.

Merge commit [5e2cff31b4].

Closing the ticket.

aku added on 2018-07-09 21:47:07: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
I have placed the patch into commit [337c7e5654] on branch `ldap-60160205fe-tls`.

The only thing I see missing are basic tests for the new command (`::ldap::tlsoptions`), and if possible the extended syntax of the changed commands (`starttls`, `secure_connect`). I say `basic` because we currently do not have anything better than that for the changed commands.

pda added on 2018-06-20 13:11:17: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
1) this problem does not occur when using ldap::connect then ldap::starttls

  ... but I don't understand why...

aku added on 2018-05-18 17:51:02:
> Looking for patches.

To clarify: Please provide patches, and/or a branch of Tcllib containing the changes.

aku added on 2018-05-17 20:08:01:
Agreed on (1), run connection setup non-async.
Agreed on (2).
Agreed on (3).
Agreed on (4). Depending on how the arguments are passed / options are handled this might be automatic, i.e. with secure_connect accepting new options the connect will do as well. -- I haven't looked into the code yet.

Looking for patches.
