File 'net/serverUtil.tcl' (part of 'Pool_Net')

Description (short)
Server construction kit, helper procedures.
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Framework for construction of line-oriented servers (like smtp, pop3, ...). See background for more information and net/pop3/, net/smtp/ for examples of usage. See server too.
Depends on
Server, Framework for servers, Construction of servers

::pool::oo::class::server::InstallBgError ()

Entrypoint for the auto loader. Executing it causes the installation of a custom background handler used by server-derived classes to get correct error reporting in case of socket problems.

bgerror (text)

Special handler of background error messages.
Notes: Essential to handling certain types of errors (during 'fcopy' for instance).
Argument: text The error message to print and handle.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries