File 'net/ns/server.tcl' (part of 'Pool_Net')

Description (short)
Mini nameserver, application registry, server
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Serverside of mini nameserver / registry system. It is built on top of the Comm package by John R. LoVerso.
Depends on
Tcl, Comm
nameserver, registry, application registry, name service

::pool::nameserver::server::init ()

Initializes the serverside facilities of the name service. Does actually nothing, serves as entry point for the autoloader only.

::pool::nameserver::server::lookup (pattern)

Called by the client to search for applications matching the pattern.
Argument: pattern The glob style pattern to use while searching the registration database.

::pool::nameserver::server::register (as)

Called by client to register the application with id 'comm remoteid' under the name of as.
Argument: as The name to use for registration

::pool::nameserver::server::revoke (who)

Called by the client to unregister the application who. The system checks that the application executing the revocation is the same as the registrator.
Dangers: The application 'nsmon' is permitted to remove other applications than itself. Use this application only in a trusted environment!
Argument: who Name to remove from the database.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries