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Ticket UUID: 3612814
Title: font configure causes crash
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.5.13
Submitter: zdia Created on: 2013-05-07 05:40:38
Subsystem: 11. Aqua Menus Assigned To: wordtech
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Open Last Modified: 2013-05-07 12:40:39
Resolution: None Closed By:
    Closed on:
Using Tcl/Tk 8.5.13 I get a bus error (tested with OSX 10.6.2 and 10.8.3) if I type the following test lines:

package require Tk
font configure TkDefaultFont -size 10
ttk::label .status -relief sunken
menu .mbar
.mbar add cascade -menu add command -label hello
. configure -menu .mbar
font configure TkDefaultFont -size 12

The console log shows amongst others:

Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue:
0 com.tcltk.tklibrary 0x000d333b TkpConfigureMenuEntry + 2251
1 com.tcltk.tklibrary 0x00049948 MenuWorldChanged + 69
2 com.tcltk.tklibrary 0x0001f05d RecomputeWidgets + 42
3 com.tcltk.tklibrary 0x0001f069 RecomputeWidgets + 54
4 com.tcltk.tcllibrary 0x001f5605 TclServiceIdle + 61
5 com.tcltk.tcllibrary 0x001d79a3 Tcl_DoOneEvent + 342
6 com.tcltk.tklibrary 0x0001d4c0 Tk_MainLoop + 37
7 com.tcltk.tklibrary 0x0002b612 Tk_MainEx + 2041
8 wish 0x00004590 main + 41
9 wish 0x000044b9 start + 53

The complete log file is attached. Tcl/Tk 8.5.9 worked fine.
User Comments: zdia added on 2013-05-07 12:40:39:

File Added - 463176: wish_2013-05-06-170116_msiwind.crash
