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Ticket UUID: 910127
Title: certain characters cannot be inserted into an entry
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.4.5
Submitter: circum Created on: 2004-03-04 22:25:37
Subsystem: 32. Key Symbols Assigned To: rmax
Priority: 8 Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2005-12-01 04:18:25
Resolution: Duplicate Closed By: hobbs
    Closed on: 2005-11-30 21:18:25
Dear Team,

The odoubleacute and udoubleacute symbols cannot be 
inserted into, say, a text or an entry. These symbols 
can be generated with any standard distribution using 
"setxkbmap hu", by pressing '[' or '\'.

Here is a testprogram:

wish8.4 [~]entry .e
wish8.4 [~]pack .e
wish8.4 [~]bind .e <Key> {puts "%K, %A, %N"}

After pressing these keys, the output is:

odoubleacute, {}, 501
udoubleacute, {}, 507
Shift_L, {}, 65505
Odoubleacute, {}, 469
Udoubleacute, {}, 475

I tested it with a Mandrake 9.2 install, and with a 
cygwin XFree86 server.

Is it the problem of tk, or the problem of X?

(There are other hungarian keyboard layouts, which use 
latin2-encoding instead of unicode, and there these two 
keys generate otilde and uumlaut keysyms, which are 
happily accepted by tk, but not, for example, by 
StarOffice. :((  )
User Comments: hobbs added on 2005-12-01 04:18:25:
Logged In: YES 

Dup of 905830

hobbs added on 2005-05-31 10:28:16:
Logged In: YES 

See also 1204469

ilgar added on 2005-01-15 14:48:48:
Logged In: YES 

I just discovered that doing an

export LANG=tr_TR

and then running the applications from there solves the
problem. This shouldn't be necessary, however. I don't want
to change the LANG setting in /etc/profile since it may
cause problems in other applications. I hope there's an easy
fix for this.

ilgar added on 2005-01-11 04:41:06:
Logged In: YES 

I'm sorry, since I'm not a Tcl/Tk programmer I'm not sure
about how to check that. I looked at Tk documentation and
tried the following: I found the piece of code that creates
a chatwindow in aMSN. After the line

set w [CreateTopLevelWindow]

I added the lines

tk useinputmethods -displayof $w true
if {[tk useinputmethods -displayof $w]} {puts "XIM on"}

Now, when I open a chatwindow I get the "XIM on" message at
the console. But the problem persists.

If you think that what I did is wrong, please write your
suggestions and I'll forward them to the aMSN developers so
that they can try. They've already taken a look at this
indeed, and believe that it's a tcl issue.

PS: XIM documentation says XIM is useful for languages such
as Japanese, Korean. I don't think that Turkish (or
Slovenian) needs that, since these two languages use the
common latin letters, and a few additional ones, e.g. a
dotless i in Turkish. -- but again, this is a comment by
someone who doesn't know about Tk :).

dkf added on 2005-01-10 18:03:11:
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Sounds very much like an Input Method nasty. Have you got
input methods turned on?

ilgar added on 2005-01-08 03:09:16:
Logged In: YES 

I think my problem with the Turkish characters are exactly
the same. I had a problem about this on aMSN and it is
decided that it is a Tcl/Tk issue. Later there was a similar
report about Slovenian characters having the same problem.

Here's the link to the aMSN bug report page. I'm copying my
first message which describes the bug:

 The encoding for Turkish is iso-8859-9. I choose
Turkish as the language, and iso-8859-9 as the
encoding. All menu entries, button labels etc. print
correctly. All Turkish letters in the messages coming
from my contacts also print correctly. But I can't type
in certain Turkish letters. When I press those keys on
the keyboard, nothing happens, as if there's no input.

I had this problem with Tcl/Tk 8.4.5 and 8.4.9, amsn
0.83 +.

I remember being able to type these letters more than a
year ago, on another distro (can't remember which). At
first I thought this could be related to Slackware
10.0, which I use. But I can type these letters in
other X applications, and I was told that the same
problem occurs on Mandrake (10.x).

If you want to see yourself: Select iso8859-9, set your
keyboard map to Turkish (trq), and the keys that would
produce [, i, and ; on an English keyboard fail to work.

PS: I was also informed about a notice to Turkish
Python users, about Tcl 8.3 breaking Turkish characters
in Python 2.x. I checked the python bug tracker and
found 2 entries which *could* be relevant, but they
appear to be fixed, so I'm ruling them out for the moment.

I should also add:
I can copy/paste words including these problematic
characters into the textbox. All letters print as they
should, and the sent message also displays correctly! Only
keyboard input fails. Odd...

hobbs added on 2004-11-18 02:15:26:
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