Tk Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 58c57be8d36562de7696871547164573a6b061e0
Ticket: a34b49f8c63aeb7736f48eba24b256158aaff022
Revised [text]: (textDisp-2.26 and 24.24) tag -tabs does not work properly
User & Date: bll 2017-07-04 15:57:30

  1. icomment:
    Works on Mac OS X.
    Right justified does not work on Linux.
    I still get the arrow symbols as in the picture.
    This bug is present in both 8.6.6 and revised_text.
    I did remember to pull, update, make.
    Updated test script.
    package require Tk
    text .z -height 5
    set f "{Courier New} -12"
    .z configure -font $f
    pack .z
    set tsize [expr {[font measure $f m]*4}]
    .z insert end "a\tb\tc\td\te"
    .z insert end "\n"
    .z insert end 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
    .z insert end "\n"
    .z insert end "a\tb\tc\td\te"
    .z tag configure x -tabs $tsize -justify right
    .z tag add x 1.0 end
    set ::x 0
    after 5000 [list set ::x 1]
    vwait ::x
    .z tag remove x 1.0 end
    .z tag configure y -tabs $tsize -justify left
    .z tag add y 1.0 end
    set ::x 0
    after 5000 [list set ::x 1]
    vwait ::x
    .z tag remove y 1.0 end
  2. login: "bll"
  3. mimetype: "text/plain"
  4. resolution changed to: "None"