Tk Source Code

tko::widget(n) -- oo class like widgets


oo::class create myWidget {
  {*}$::tko::unknown    ;# define unknown method to support common tk widget style
  superclass "tkoClass" ;# one of the provided tko widget class's
  variable tko          ;# array with options *$tko(-option)* and widget path *$tko(.)*
  method -myoption {...};# deal with option when set
  constructor {optionlist arglist} {
    next [concat {
      {-myoption myOption MyOption value}
    } $optionlist] $arglist
  destructor {next}

The command creates a new Tcl class whose name is widgetClass. This command may be used to create new widgets. Each new widget class has as a tkoClass as superclass. The common functionality is in the tko::widget class. Currently the following tkoClass superclasses are provided:

::tko::toplevel pathName ?option value? ..

::tko::frame pathName ?option value? ..

::tko::labelframe pathName ?option value? ..

::graph pathName ?option value? ..

::path pathName ?option value? ..


Command-Line Name: -class
Database Name: class
Database Class: Class

Define class for use in getting values from option database. Can only be set on widget creation time.

Command-Line Name: -screen
Database Name: screen
Database Class: Screen

Affect creation of underlying widget structure. If given the created widget will be a toplevel widget.


The tko::widget class contain the common widget functionality. To get these functionality you have to create a subclass of the tko::widget class. This can only be done in C. To use the functionality on tcl script level the following classes are provided.


These class contain the functionality of the toplevel widget command.


These class contain the functionality of the frame widget command.


These class contain the functionality of the labelframe widget command.


These class contain the functionality of the Rbc graph widget command. It is described in detail in the graph manpage.


These class contain the functionality of the Tkpath widget command. It is described in detail in the path manpage.


Widget methods can be dynamically added and removed at class or object level.

NOTE Do not change tkoClass's behaviour. Instead create your own class and modify it to your need! Or change created widget objects behaviour.

The tko::widget class provides the following methods.

constructor {optionlist arglist}

The optionlist contain a sorted list off option descriptions as described in configure optonadd. It will be processed in the tko::widget constructor in the given order. It should always start with the "-class" option definition. The necessary -option method's should already be exist.

The arglist is the normal -option value .. list of all tk widgets.

Each widget class constructor should call next $optionlist $arglist!

destructor {}

Here you can free your own ressources. Don't forget to call next! After next the tko::widget data are gone (widget path, tko array variable).

cget option

Return the current vlaue of the given option.

configure args


If args is empty the method will return a sorted list of all configuration options.

configure -option

If we have one element in args starting with a minus sign ("-") then the method return the configuration list including the current value of the given -option.

configure -option value ..

If we have an even number list in args and the first element starts with a minus sign ("-") then the method does configure all the given option-value pairs. If an error occurs the the corresponding element is not set and the method gives an error. Alrready successfull set options remain.

configure init

This is an internal function used in constructing new widgets. It is used in the unknown method to initialize all options.

configure optionadd -synonym -option

Add a -synonym for a given -option. The -option needs not to be defined at this time.

configure optionadd -synonym dbnam dbclass ?default? ?flags?

Add a new option. If ?flags? is equal "1" then the option is readonly and can only be set in this call. Before adding a new option a -option method must created. The method will be called without any arguments. The method can access the new value using the tko(-option) array variable. If the method throws a n error the array variable will be reset to the old value.

configure optiondel -option

Delete the given option and unset the entry in the tko array variable. The created -option method's are not deleted. This is the task of the caller.

configure optionhide ?-option? ..

If no -option is given return a list of all not configure'able options. Otherwise hide all of the given options.

configure optionshow ?-option? ..

If no -option is given return a list of all configure'able options. Otherwise make all of the given options configure'able.

configure optionvar

The method return the global varname of the tko array variable holding all option values.


This is an virtuel method of the tko::widget class. This method will be called at the end of each configure -option value .. call. It can be implemented in each class to amke necessary changes. If it is implemented it should also call next to notify underlying classes.


Widget option values are saved in an option array. The option name is the field name in the array. Additionally is an field "." containing the tk widget path name of the widget. The name of the option array variable can be retrieved using the following code: set myVar [.w configure optionvar] parray $myVar

Widget options can be dynamically added and removed at class or object level. It is possible to hide and unhide options.


# Add options at class creation:
oo::class create ::myWidget {
  superclass ::tko::frame
  variable tko
  method -myoption {} {puts $tko(-myoption)}
  method -myreadonly {} {puts $tko(-myreadonly)}
  constructor {optionlist arglist} {
    next [concat {
      {-myoption myOption MyOption value}
      {-myreadonly myReadonly MyReadonly value 1}
    } $optionlist] $arglist
proc output {} {
  puts "config: [.w configure]"
  puts "normal: [.w configure optionhide]"
  puts "hidden: [.w configure optionshow]"
# Add options at object level:
::myWidget .w
oo::objdefine .w method -o1 {} {my variable tko; puts $tko(-o1)}
oo::objdefine .w method -o2 {} {my variable tko; puts $tko(-o2)}
.w configure optionadd -o1 o1 O1 v1 1 ;#->
.w configure optionadd -o2 o2 O2 v2
# Remove one and hide rest
.w configure optiondel -o2
.w configure optionhide {*}[.w configure optionshow]
# Reverse state
.w configure optionshow {*}[.w configure optionhide]


frame, labelframe, toplevel, oo::class


oo widget method option


© 2019- RenĂ© Zaumseil [email protected]

BSD style license.