Tk Source Code

Artifact [f83a4c5b]

Artifact f83a4c5bf00b04c69b260e5c521ae5542d80b968:

Attachment "textWind.test" to ticket [48ff5009] added by bll 2017-07-17 16:31:41.
# This file is a Tcl script to test the code in the file tkTextWind.c.
# This file is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.

package require tcltest 2.2
namespace import ::tcltest::*
tcltest::configure {*}$argv

# Create entries in the option database to be sure that geometry options
# like border width have predictable values.

option add *Text.borderWidth 2
option add *Text.highlightThickness 2
option add *Text.font {"Courier New" -12}

# Widget used in tests 1.* - 16.*
set tWidth 30
set tHeight 6
text .t -width $tWidth -height $tHeight -bd 2 -highlightthickness 2
pack .t -expand 1 -fill both
.t debug on

set fixedFont {"Courier New" -12}
set fixedHeight [font metrics $fixedFont -linespace]
set fixedWidth [font measure $fixedFont m]
set fixedAscent [font metrics $fixedFont -ascent]

set color [expr {[winfo depth .t] > 1 ? "green" : "black"}]

wm geometry . {}

# The statements below reset the main window;  it's needed if the window
# manager is mwm to make mwm forget about a previous minimum size setting.

wm withdraw .
wm minsize . 1 1
wm positionfrom . user
wm deiconify .

set bw [.t cget -borderwidth]
set px [.t cget -padx]
set py [.t cget -pady]
set hlth [.t cget -highlightthickness]
set padx [expr {$bw+$px+$hlth}]
set pady [expr {$bw+$py+$hlth}]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test textWind-1.1 {basic tests of options} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    frame .f -width 3 -height 3 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f
    list [winfo ismapped .f] [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f] \
        [.t window configure .f -window]
} -result [list \
    1 \
    3x3+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}]+[expr {$pady+$fixedHeight+(($fixedHeight-3)/2)}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight+(($fixedHeight-3)/2)}] 3 3] \
    {-window {} {} {} .f}]

test textWind-1.2 {basic tests of options} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    frame .f -width 3 -height 3 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -align top
    list [winfo ismapped .f] [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f] \
        [.t window configure .f -align]
} -result [list \
    1 \
    3x3+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}]+[expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] 3 3] \
    {-align {} {} center top}]

test textWind-1.3 {basic tests of options} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    .t window create 2.2 -create "Test script"
    .t window configure 2.2 -create
} -result {-create {} {} {} {Test script}}

test textWind-1.4 {basic tests of options} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    # the window .f should be wider than the fixed width
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -padx 5
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t window configure .f -padx] [.t bbox 2.3]
} -result [list \
    10x20+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+5}]+[expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] \
    {-padx {} {} 0 5} \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+10+2*5}] [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight+((20-$fixedHeight)/2)}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-1.5 {basic tests of options} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -pady 4
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t window configure .f -pady] [.t bbox 2.31]
} -result [list \
    10x20+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}]+[expr {$pady+$fixedHeight+4}] \
    {-pady {} {} 0 4} \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight+20+2*4}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-1.6 {basic tests of options} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -stretch 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t window configure .f -stretch]
} -result [list \
    5x$fixedHeight+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}]+[expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] \
    {-stretch {} {} 0 1}]

.t delete 1.0 end
.t insert end "This is the first line"
test textWind-2.1 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -body {
    .t window
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t window option ?arg arg ...?"}
test textWind-2.2 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
    .t window cget
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t window cget index option"}
test textWind-2.3 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
    .t window cget a b c
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t window cget index option"}
test textWind-2.4 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
    .t window cget gorp -padx
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index "gorp"}
test textWind-2.5 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
    .t window cget 1.2 -padx
} -returnCodes error -result {no embedded window at index "1.2"}
test textWind-2.6 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "cget" option} -setup {
    destroy .f
} -body {
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3 -window .f -padx 1 -pady 2
    .t window cget .f -bogus
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-bogus"}
test textWind-2.7 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "cget" option} -setup {
    destroy .f
} -body {
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3 -window .f -padx 1 -pady 2
    .t window cget .f -pady
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -returnCodes ok -result {2}
test textWind-2.8 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -body {
    .t window co
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t window configure index ?option value ...?"}
test textWind-2.9 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -body {
    .t window configure gorp
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index "gorp"}
test textWind-2.10 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -body {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t window configure 1.0
} -returnCodes error -result {no embedded window at index "1.0"}
test textWind-2.11 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
# I kept this as it "influenced" the test case in previous releases
    destroy .f
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3 -window .f -padx 1 -pady 2
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -align baseline -padx 1 -pady 2 -tags tag1 -create foo
    .t window configure .f
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result  {{-align {} {} center baseline} {-create {} {} {} foo} {-owner {} {} 1 1} {-padx {} {} 0 1} {-pady {} {} 0 2} {-stretch {} {} 0 0} {-tags {} {} {} tag1} {-window {} {} {} .f}}
test textWind-2.12 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
# I kept this as it "influenced" the test case in previous releases
    destroy .f
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -align baseline -padx 1 -pady 2 -create foo
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -align baseline -padx 1 -pady 2 -create foo
    list [.t window configure .f -padx 33] [.t window configure .f -padx]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result {{} {-padx {} {} 0 33}}
test textWind-2.13 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
# I kept this as it "influenced" the test case in previous releases
    destroy .f
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -align baseline -padx 1 -pady 2 -create foo
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "This is the first line"
    .t insert end "\nAnd this is a second line, which wraps around"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -align baseline -padx 1 -pady 2
    list [.t window configure .f -padx 14 -pady 15] \
        [.t window configure .f -padx] [.t window configure .f -pady]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result {{} {-padx {} {} 0 14} {-pady {} {} 0 15}}
test textWind-2.14 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t window create
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t window create index ?option value ...?"}
test textWind-2.15 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t window create gorp
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index "gorp"}
test textWind-2.16 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, don't insert after end} -setup {
# I kept this as it "influenced" the test case in previous releases
    destroy .f
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.2 -window .f -align baseline -padx 1 -pady 2
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert end "Line 1\nLine 2"
    frame .f -width 20 -height 10 -bg $color
    .t window create end -window .f
    .t index .f
} -result {2.6}
test textWind-2.17 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    list [catch {.t window create 1.0} msg] $msg [.t window configure 1.0]
} -result {0 {} {{-align {} {} center center} {-create {} {} {} {}} {-owner {} {} 1 1} {-padx {} {} 0 0} {-pady {} {} 0 0} {-stretch {} {} 0 0} {-tags {} {} {} {}} {-window {} {} {} {}}}}
test textWind-2.18 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
# I kept this as it "influenced" the test case in previous releases
    destroy .f
    frame .f -width 20 -height 10 -bg $color
    .t window create end -window .f
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.0 -window .f -gorp stupid
} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"}
test textWind-2.19 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
# I kept this as it "influenced" the test case in previous releases
    destroy .f
    frame .f -width 20 -height 10 -bg $color
    .t window create end -window .f
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    catch {.t window create 1.0 -window .f -gorp stupid}
    list [winfo exists .f] [.t index 1.end] [catch {.t index .f}]
} -result {0 1.0 1}
test textWind-2.20 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.0 -gorp -window .f stupid
} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"}
test textWind-2.21 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    catch {.t window create 1.0 -gorp -window .f stupid}
    list [winfo exists .f] [.t index 1.end] [catch {.t index .f}]
} -result {1 1.0 1}
test textWind-2.22 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t window c
} -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous window option "c": must be cget, configure, create, or names}
destroy .f
test textWind-2.23 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "names" option} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t window names foo
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t window names"}
test textWind-2.24 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "names" option} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t window names
} -result {}
test textWind-2.25 {TkTextWindowCmd procedure, "names" option} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f .f2 .t.f .t.f2
} -body {
    foreach i {.f .f2 .t.f .t.f2} {
        frame $i -width 20 -height 20
        .t window create end -window $i
    lsort [.t window names]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f .f2 .t.f .t.f2
} -result {.f .f2 .t.f .t.f2}

test textWind-3.1 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .f
} -body {
    frame .f -width 10 -height 6 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.0 -window .f
    .t window configure 1.0 -foo bar
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-foo"}

test textWind-3.2 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3 -window .f
    .t window configure 1.3 -window {}
    .t index .f
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index ".f"}

test textWind-3.3 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3 -window .f
    .t window configure 1.3 -window {}
    catch {.t index .f}
    list [winfo ismapped .f] [.t bbox 1.4]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list 0 \
    [list [expr {$padx+3*$fixedWidth}] $pady $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-3.4 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .t.f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .t.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3 -window .t.f
    .t window configure 1.3 -window {}
    .t index .t.f
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.f
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index ".t.f"}

test textWind-3.5 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .t.f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .t.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3 -window .t.f
    .t window configure 1.3 -window {}
    catch {.t index .t.f}
    list [winfo ismapped .t.f] [.t bbox 1.4]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.f
} -result [list 0 \
    [list [expr {$padx+3*$fixedWidth}] $pady $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-3.6 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3
    .t window configure 1.3 -window .f
    list [catch {.t index .f} msg] $msg [winfo ismapped .f] [.t bbox 1.4]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list 0 1.3 1 \
    [list [expr {$padx+3*$fixedWidth+10}] [expr {$pady+((20-$fixedHeight)/2)}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-3.7 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f
    frame .f.f -width 15 -height 20 -bg $color
    pack .f.f
    .t window create 1.3 -window .f.f
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -returnCodes error -result {can't embed .f.f in .t}
test textWind-3.8 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .t2
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .t2 -width 20 -height 10 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3
    .t window configure 1.3 -window .t2
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t2
} -returnCodes error -result {can't embed .t2 in .t}
test textWind-3.9 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    destroy .t2
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .t2 -width 20 -height 10 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.3
    catch {.t window configure 1.3 -window .t2}
    .t window configure 1.3 -window
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t2
} -result {-window {} {} {} {}}
test textWind-3.10 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.3
    .t window configure 1.3 -window .t
} -returnCodes error -result {can't embed .t in .t}
test textWind-3.11 {EmbWinConfigure procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    # This test checks for various errors when the text claims
    # a window away from itself.
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    button .t.b -text "Hello!"
    .t window create 1.4 -window .t.b
    .t window create 1.6 -window .t.b
    .t index .t.b
} -result {1.6}

.t delete 1.0 end
frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
.t window create 1.0 -window .f
test textWind-4.1 {AlignParseProc and AlignPrintProc procedures} -body {
    .t window configure 1.0 -align baseline
    .t window configure 1.0 -align
} -result {-align {} {} center baseline}
test textWind-4.2 {AlignParseProc and AlignPrintProc procedures} -body {
    .t window configure 1.0 -align bottom
    .t window configure 1.0 -align
} -result {-align {} {} center bottom}
test textWind-4.3 {AlignParseProc and AlignPrintProc procedures} -body {
    .t window configure 1.0 -align center
    .t window configure 1.0 -align
} -result {-align {} {} center center}
test textWind-4.4 {AlignParseProc and AlignPrintProc procedures} -body {
    .t window configure 1.0 -align top
    .t window configure 1.0 -align
} -result {-align {} {} center top}
test textWind-4.5 {AlignParseProc and AlignPrintProc procedures} -body {
    .t window configure 1.0 -align top
    .t window configure 1.0 -align gorp
} -returnCodes error -result {bad align "gorp": must be baseline, bottom, center, or top}
test textWind-4.6 {AlignParseProc and AlignPrintProc procedures} -body {
    .t window configure 1.0 -align top
    catch {.t window configure 1.0 -align gorp}
    .t window configure 1.0 -align
} -result {-align {} {} center top}

test textWind-5.1 {EmbWinStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    destroy .f
    .t index .f
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index ".f"}

test textWind-5.2 {EmbWinStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    destroy .f
    catch {.t index .f}
    list [.t bbox 1.2] [.t bbox 1.3]
} -result [list \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+($fixedHeight/2)}] 0 0] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] $pady $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-5.3 {EmbWinStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -align bottom
    .t window configure 1.2 -window .f
    destroy .f
    .t index .f
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index ".f"}

test textWind-5.4 {EmbWinStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -align bottom
    .t window configure 1.2 -window .f
    destroy .f
    catch {.t index .f}
    list [.t bbox 1.2] [.t bbox 1.3]
} -result [list \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] 0 0] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] $pady $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-5.5 {EmbWinStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.2 -create {frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color}
    .t window configure 1.2 -create {frame .f -width 20 -height 10 -bg $color}
    destroy .f
    list [catch {.t index .f} msg] $msg [.t bbox 1.2] [.t bbox 1.3]
} -result [list 0 1.2 \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+(($fixedHeight-10)/2)}] 20 10] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+20}] $pady $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-6.1 {EmbWinRequestProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
    set result {}
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    lappend result [.t bbox 1.2] [.t bbox 1.3]
    .f configure -width 25 -height 30
    lappend result [.t bbox 1.2] [.t bbox 1.3]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] $pady 10 20] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+10}] [expr {$pady+((20-$fixedHeight)/2)}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] $pady 25 30] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+25}] [expr {$pady+((30-$fixedHeight)/2)}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-7.1 {EmbWinLostSlaveProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    place .f -in .t -x 100 -y 50
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox 1.2]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    10x20+[expr {$padx+100}]+[expr {$pady+50}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+($fixedHeight/2)}] 0 0]]

test textWind-7.2 {EmbWinLostSlaveProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .t.f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .t.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .t.f
    place .t.f -x 100 -y 50
    list [winfo geom .t.f] [.t bbox 1.2]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.f
} -result [list \
    10x20+[expr {$padx+100}]+[expr {$pady+50}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+($fixedHeight/2)}] 0 0]]

test textWind-8.1 {EmbWinDeleteProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    bind .f <Destroy> {set x destroyed}
    set x XXX
    .t delete 1.2
    list $x [.t bbox 1.2] [.t bbox 1.3] [winfo exists .f]
} -result [list destroyed \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth}] $pady $fixedWidth $fixedHeight] \
    [list [expr {$padx+3*$fixedWidth}] $pady $fixedWidth $fixedHeight] \

test textWind-8.2 {EmbWinDeleteProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    bind .f <Destroy> {set x destroyed}
    set x XXX
    .t delete 1.2
    .t index .f
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index ".f"}

test textWind-9.1 {EmbWinCleanupProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text\nA second line."
    frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 2.3 -window .f
    .t delete 1.5 2.1
    .t index .f
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result {1.7}

test textWind-10.1 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.5 -create {
        frame .f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    list [winfo exists .f] [winfo width .f] [winfo height .f] [.t index .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result {1 10 20 1.5}

test textWind-10.2 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, error in creating window} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    proc bgerror args {
        global msg
        set msg $args
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.5 -create {
        error "couldn't create window"
    set msg xyzzy
    list $msg [.t bbox 1.5]
} -cleanup {
    rename bgerror {}
} -result [list \
    {{couldn't create window}} \
    [list [expr {$padx+5*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+($fixedHeight/2)}] 0 0]]

test textWind-10.3 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, error in creating window} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    proc bgerror args {
        global msg
        set msg $args
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.5 -create {
        concat gorp
    set msg xyzzy
    list $msg [.t bbox 1.5]
} -cleanup {
    rename bgerror {}
} -result [list \
    {{bad window path name "gorp"}} \
    [list [expr {$padx+5*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+($fixedHeight/2)}] 0 0]]

test textWind-10.4 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, error in creating window} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .t.f
    proc bgerror args {
        global msg
	lappend msg $args
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    set msg {}
    after idle {
        .t window create 1.5 -create {
            frame .t.f
            frame .t.f.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    set count 0
    while {([llength $msg] < 2) && ($count < 100)} {
        incr count
        .t bbox 1.5
        after 10
    lappend msg [.t bbox 1.5] [winfo exists .t.f.f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.f
    rename bgerror {}
} -result [list \
    {{can't embed .t.f.f relative to .t}} \
    [list [expr {$padx+5*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+($fixedHeight/2)}] 0 0] \

test textWind-10.5 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, error in creating window} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .t.f
    proc bgerror args {
        global msg
	lappend msg $args
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.5 -create {
        frame .t.f
        frame .t.f.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg $color
    set msg {}
    update idletasks
    lappend msg [winfo exists .t.f.f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.f
    rename bgerror {}
} -result {{{can't embed .t.f.f relative to .t}} 1}

test textWind-10.6 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, error in creating window} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    proc bgerror args {
        global msg
	lappend msg $args
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.5 -create {
        concat .t
    set msg {}
    lappend msg [.t bbox 1.5]
} -cleanup {
    rename bgerror {}
} -result [list \
    {{can't embed .t relative to .t}} \
    [list [expr {$padx+5*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+($fixedHeight/2)}] 0 0]]

test textWind-10.7 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, error in creating window} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .t2
    proc bgerror args {
        global msg
	lappend msg $args
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.5 -create {
        toplevel .t2 -width 100 -height 150
        wm geom .t2 +0+0
        concat .t2
    set msg {}
    lappend msg [.t bbox 1.5]
} -cleanup {
    rename bgerror {}
} -result [list \
    {{can't embed .t2 relative to .t}} \
    [list [expr {$padx+5*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+($fixedHeight/2)}] 0 0]]

test textWind-10.8 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, error in creating window} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .t2
    proc bgerror args {
        global msg
	lappend msg $args
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.5 -create {
        toplevel .t2 -width 100 -height 150
        wm geom .t2 +0+0
        concat .t2
    set msg {}
    set i 0
    while {[llength $msg] == 1 && [incr i] < 200} { update }
    return $msg
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t2
    rename bgerror {}
} -result {{{can't embed .t2 relative to .t}}}

test textWind-10.9 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, steal window from self} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .t.b
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
    button .t.b -text "Hello!"
    .t window create 1.5 -window .t.b
    .t window create 1.3 -create {concat .t.b}
    .t index .t.b
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.b
} -result {1.3}

test textWind-10.10 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, doesn't fit on line} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -wrap char
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 125 -height 20 -bg $color -bd 2 -relief raised
    .t window create 1.12 -window .f
    list [.t bbox .f] [.t bbox 1.13]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    [list [expr {$padx+12*$fixedWidth}] $pady [expr {$tWidth*$fixedWidth-12*$fixedWidth}] 20] \
    [list $padx [expr {$pady+20}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-10.11 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, doesn't fit on line} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -wrap char
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 126 -height 20 -bg $color -bd 2 -relief raised
    .t window create 1.12 -window .f
    list [.t bbox .f] [.t bbox 1.13]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    [list [expr {$padx+12*$fixedWidth}] $pady [expr {$tWidth*$fixedWidth-12*$fixedWidth}] 20] \
    [list $padx [expr {$pady+20}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-10.12 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, doesn't fit on line} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -wrap char
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 127 -height 20 -bg $color -bd 2 -relief raised
    .t window create 1.12 -window .f
    list [.t bbox .f] [.t bbox 1.13]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    [list $padx [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] 127 20] \
    [list [expr {$padx+127}] [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight+((20-$fixedHeight)/2)}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-10.13 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, doesn't fit on line} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -wrap none
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 130 -height 20 -bg $color -bd 2 -relief raised
    .t window create 1.12 -window .f
    list [.t bbox .f] [.t bbox 1.13]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    [list [expr {$padx+12*$fixedWidth}] $pady [expr {$tWidth*$fixedWidth-12*$fixedWidth}] 20] \

test textWind-10.14 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, doesn't fit on line} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -wrap none
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 130 -height 220 -bg $color -bd 2 -relief raised
    .t window create 1.12 -window .f
    list [.t bbox .f] [.t bbox 1.13]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    [list [expr {$padx+12*$fixedWidth}] $pady [expr {$tWidth*$fixedWidth-12*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$tHeight*$fixedHeight}]] \

test textWind-10.15 {EmbWinLayoutProc procedure, doesn't fit on line} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -wrap char
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 250 -height 220 -bg $color -bd 2 -relief raised
    .t window create 1.12 -window .f
    list [.t bbox .f] [.t bbox 1.13]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    [list $padx [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] [expr {$tWidth*$fixedWidth}] [expr {($tHeight-1)*$fixedHeight}]] \

test textWind-11.1 {EmbWinDisplayProc procedure, geometry transforms} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
    place forget .t
    pack .t
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    pack forget .t
    place .t -x 30 -y 50
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.12 -window .f
    winfo geom .f
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
    place forget .t
} -result [list 30x20+[expr {$padx+30+12*$fixedWidth}]+[expr {$pady+50}]]

test textWind-11.2 {EmbWinDisplayProc procedure, geometry transforms} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .t.f
    place forget .t
    pack .t
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    pack forget .t
    place .t -x 30 -y 50
    frame .t.f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.12 -window .t.f
    winfo geom .t.f
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.f
    place forget .t
    pack .t
} -result [list 30x20+[expr {$padx+12*$fixedWidth}]+$pady]

test textWind-11.3 {EmbWinDisplayProc procedure, configuration optimization} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
    place forget .t
    pack .t
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.12 -window .f
    bind .f <Configure> {set x ".f configured"}
    set x {no configures}
    .t delete 1.0
    .t insert 1.0 "X"
    return $x
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
    place forget .t
    pack .t
} -result {no configures}

test textWind-11.4 {EmbWinDisplayProc procedure, horizontal scrolling} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f .f2
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "xyzzy\nFirst window here: "
    .t configure -wrap none
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create end -window .f
    .t insert end " and second here: "
    frame .f2 -width 40 -height 10 -bg $color
    .t window create end -window .f2
    .t insert end " with junk after it."
    .t xview moveto 0
    .t xview scroll 5 units
    list [winfo ismapped .f] [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f] [winfo ismapped .f2]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f .f2
} -result [list 1 \
    30x20+[expr {$padx+14*$fixedWidth}]+[expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+14*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight}] 30 20] \

test textWind-11.5 {EmbWinDisplayProc procedure, horizontal scrolling} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f .f2
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "xyzzy\nFirst window here: "
    .t configure -wrap none
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create end -window .f
    .t insert end " and second here: "
    frame .f2 -width 40 -height 10 -bg $color
    .t window create end -window .f2
    .t insert end " with junk after it."
    .t xview moveto 0
    .t xview scroll 25 units
    list [winfo ismapped .f] [winfo ismapped .f2] [winfo geom .f2] [.t bbox .f2]
} -cleanup {
  destroy .f .f2
  .t configure -wrap char
} -result [list 0 1 \
    40x10+[expr {$padx+37*$fixedWidth+30-25*$fixedWidth}]+[expr {$pady+$fixedHeight+((20-10)/2)}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+37*$fixedWidth+30-25*$fixedWidth}] [expr {$pady+$fixedHeight+((20-10)/2)}] 40 10]]

test textWind-12.1 {EmbWinUndisplayProc procedure, mapping/unmapping} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    bind .f <Map> {lappend x mapped}
    bind .f <Unmap> {lappend x unmapped}
    set x created
    lappend x modified
    .t delete 1.0
    lappend x replaced
    .t window configure .f -window {}
    .t delete 1.1
    .t window create 1.4 -window .f
    lappend x off-screen
    .t configure -wrap none
    .t insert 1.0 "Enough text to make the line run off-screen"
    return $x
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result {created mapped modified replaced unmapped mapped off-screen unmapped}

test textWind-13.1 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align top -padx 2 -pady 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x5+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+1}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+1}] 5 5]]

test textWind-13.2 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align center -padx 2 -pady 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x5+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+1+(($fixedHeight-7)/2)}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+1+(($fixedHeight-7)/2)}] 5 5]]

test textWind-13.3 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align baseline -padx 2 -pady 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x5+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+1+($fixedAscent-6)}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+1+($fixedAscent-6)}] 5 5]]

test textWind-13.4 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align bottom -padx 2 -pady 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x5+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+1+($fixedHeight-7)}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+1+($fixedHeight-7)}] 5 5]]

test textWind-13.5 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align top -padx 2 -pady 1 -stretch 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x[expr {$fixedHeight-2}]+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+1}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+1}] 5 [expr {$fixedHeight-2}]]]

test textWind-13.6 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align center -padx 2 -pady 1 -stretch 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x[expr {$fixedHeight-2}]+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+1}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+1}] 5 [expr {$fixedHeight-2}]]]

test textWind-13.7 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align baseline -padx 2 -pady 1 -stretch 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x[expr {$fixedAscent-1}]+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+1}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+1}] 5 [expr {$fixedAscent-1}]]]

test textWind-13.8 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align bottom -padx 2 -pady 1 -stretch 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x[expr {$fixedHeight-2}]+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+1}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+1}] 5 [expr {$fixedHeight-2}]]]

test textWind-13.9 {EmbWinBboxProc procedure, spacing options} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -spacing1 5 -spacing3 2
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 5 -height 5 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f -align center -padx 2 -pady 1
    list [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    .t configure -spacing1 0 -spacing3 0
    destroy .f
} -result [list \
    5x5+[expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}]+[expr {$pady+5+(($fixedHeight-5)/2)}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+2*$fixedWidth+2}] [expr {$pady+5+(($fixedHeight-5)/2)}] 5 5]]

test textWind-14.1 {EmbWinDelayedUnmap procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    bind .f <Unmap> {lappend x unmapped}
    set x modified
    .t insert 1.0 x
    lappend x removed
    .t window configure .f -window {}
    lappend x updated
    return $x
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result {modified removed unmapped updated}

test textWind-14.2 {EmbWinDelayedUnmap procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    bind .f <Unmap> {lappend x unmapped}
    set x modified
    .t insert 1.0 x
    lappend x deleted
    .t delete .f
    lappend x updated
    return $x
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result {modified deleted updated}

test textWind-14.3 {EmbWinDelayedUnmap procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text\nAnother line\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9"
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .f
    .t yview 2.0
    set result [winfo ismapped .f]
    update ; after 10
    list $result [winfo ismapped .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result {1 0}

test textWind-14.4 {EmbWinDelayedUnmap procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .t.f
} -body {
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text\nAnother line\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9"
    frame .t.f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.2 -window .t.f
    .t yview 2.0
    set result [winfo ismapped .t.f]
    list $result [winfo ismapped .t.f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t.f
} -result {1 0}

test textWind-15.1 {TkTextWindowIndex procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t index .foo
} -returnCodes error -result {bad text index ".foo"}

test textWind-15.2 {TkTextWindowIndex procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -spacing1 0 -spacing2 0 -spacing3 0 \
        -wrap none
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.6 -window .f
    .t tag add a 1.1
    .t tag add a 1.3
    list [.t index .f] [.t bbox 1.7]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f
} -result [list 1.6 \
    [list [expr {$padx+6*$fixedWidth+30}] [expr {$pady+((20-$fixedHeight)/2)}] $fixedWidth $fixedHeight]]

test textWind-16.1 {EmbWinTextStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f
} -body {
    .t configure -wrap none
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.6 -window .f
    pack forget .t
    winfo ismapped .f
} -cleanup {
    pack .t
} -result 0

test textWind-16.2 {EmbWinTextStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    destroy .f .f2
} -body {
    .t configure -spacing1 0 -spacing2 0 -spacing3 0 \
        -wrap none
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.6 -window .f
    set result {}
    lappend result [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
    frame .f2 -width 150 -height 30 -bd 2 -relief raised
    pack .f2 -before .t
    lappend result [winfo geom .f] [.t bbox .f]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .f .f2
} -result [list \
    30x20+[expr {$padx+6*$fixedWidth}]+$pady \
    [list [expr {$padx+6*$fixedWidth}] $pady 30 20] \
    30x20+[expr {$padx+6*$fixedWidth}]+[expr {$pady+30}] \
    [list [expr {$padx+6*$fixedWidth}] $pady 30 20]]

test textWind-16.3 {EmbWinTextStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t configure -wrap none
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    .t window create 1.6
    pack forget .t
} -cleanup {
    pack .t
} -result {}

test textWind-16.4 {EmbWinTextStructureProc procedure} -setup {
    .t delete 1.0 end
} -body {
    .t configure -spacing1 0 -spacing2 0 -spacing3 0 \
        -wrap none
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    frame .t.f -width 30 -height 20 -bg $color
    .t window create 1.6 -window .t.f
    pack forget .t
    list [winfo ismapped .t.f] [.t bbox .t.f]
} -cleanup {
    pack .t
} -result [list 1 [list [expr {$padx+6*$fixedWidth}] $pady 30 20]]

test textWind-17.1 {peer widgets and embedded windows} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt .f
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t insert end "Line 1"
    frame .f -width 20 -height 10 -bg blue
    .t window create 1.3 -window .f
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    update ; update
    destroy .t .tt
    winfo exists .f
} -result {0}

test textWind-17.2 {peer widgets and embedded windows} -setup {
    destroy .t .f .tt
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t insert end "Line 1\nLine 2"
    frame .f -width 20 -height 10 -bg blue
    .t window create 1.4 -window .f
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    update ; update
    destroy .t
    .tt.t insert 1.0 "foo"
    destroy .tt
} -result {}

test textWind-17.3 {peer widget and -create} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    update ; update
    .t window create 1.2 -create {frame %W.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg blue}
    destroy .t .tt
} -result {}

test textWind-17.4 {peer widget deleted one window shouldn't delete others} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt
    set res {}
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    .t window create 1.2 -create {frame %W.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg blue}
    update ; update
    destroy .tt
    lappend res [.t get 1.2]
    lappend res [.t get 1.2]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .t
} -result {{} {}}

test textWind-17.5 {peer widget window configuration} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    .t window create 1.2 -create {frame %W.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg blue}
    update ; update
    list [.t window cget 1.2 -window] [.tt.t window cget 1.2 -window]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .tt .t
} -result {.t.f .tt.t.f}

test textWind-17.6 {peer widget window configuration} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    .t window create 1.2 -create {frame %W.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg blue}
    update ; update
    list [.t window configure 1.2 -window] \
        [.tt.t window configure 1.2 -window]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .tt .t
}  -result {{-window {} {} {} .t.f} {-window {} {} {} .tt.t.f}}

test textWind-17.7 {peer widget window configuration} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    .t window create 1.2 -window [frame .t.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg blue]
    update ; update
    list [.t window cget 1.2 -window] [.tt.t window cget 1.2 -window]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .tt .t
}  -result {.t.f {}}

test textWind-17.8 {peer widget window configuration} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    .t window create 1.2 -window [frame .t.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg blue]
    update ; update
    list [.t window configure 1.2 -window] \
        [.tt.t window configure 1.2 -window]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .tt .t
}  -result {{-window {} {} {} .t.f} {-window {} {} {} {}}}

test textWind-17.9 {peer widget window configuration} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    .t window create 1.2 -window [frame .t.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg blue]
    update ; update
    .tt.t window configure 1.2 -window [frame .tt.t.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg red]
    list [.t window configure 1.2 -window] [.tt.t window configure 1.2 -window]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .tt .t
}  -result {{-window {} {} {} .t.f} {-window {} {} {} .tt.t.f}}

test textWind-17.10 {peer widget window configuration} -setup {
    destroy .t .tt
} -body {
    pack [text .t]
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 "Some sample text"
    toplevel .tt
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    .t window create 1.2 -window [frame .t.f -width 10 -height 20 -bg blue]
    .tt.t window create 1.2 -window [frame .tt.t.f -width 25 -height 20 -bg blue]
    update ; update
    .t window configure 1.2 -create \
      {destroy %W.f ; frame %W.f -width 50 -height 7 -bg red}
    .tt.t window configure 1.2 -window {}
    .t window configure 1.2 -window {}
    set res [list [.t window configure 1.2 -window] \
        [.tt.t window configure 1.2 -window]]
    lappend res [.t window configure 1.2 -window] \
        [.tt.t window configure 1.2 -window]
} -cleanup {
    destroy .tt .t
}  -result {{-window {} {} {} {}} {-window {} {} {} {}} {-window {} {} {} .t.f} {-window {} {} {} .tt.t.f}}

option clear

# cleanup

# Local variables:
# mode: tcl
# End:
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