Tcl Source Code

View Ticket
Ticket UUID: 983146
Title: man2help2.tcl cannot fully handle bind.n
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.5a2
Submitter: mistachkin Created on: 2004-07-01 02:17:01
Subsystem: 53. Configuration and Build Tools Assigned To: mdejong
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2004-07-07 17:57:13
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: dkf
    Closed on: 2004-07-07 10:57:13


There are duplicate topics:

Tcl_GetCommandFullName, Tcl_GetCommandFromObj

Not sure how to fix this.


tcl/doc/Limit.3, line 143:

been exceeded) on an interpreter, call 
\fTcl_LimitTypeEnabled\fR with

should be (missing the B after the first \f):

been exceeded) on an interpreter, call 
\fBTcl_LimitTypeEnabled\fR with


tcl/doc/load.n, line 141:

    printf("called with %d arguments\n", objc);

The error "Unknown character: \n" is reported.


tk/doc/bind.n, lines 53, 56, 59, and 62:

.IP \(bu 3

The error "Unknown sequence: \(" is reported.

tk/doc/bind.n, line 162:

bad distance "\w'ButtonPress,"
bad distance "Button\0\0\0'u"
bad distance "+\w'KeyPress,"
bad distance "Key\0\0\0'u"


tk/doc/pack.n, lines 266 and 267:

label .l \-text "Left\nHand\nSide"
label .r \-text "Right\nHand\nSide"

The error "Unknown character: \n" is reported 4 times.


tk/doc/place.n, line 243:

label .l \-text "In the\nMiddle!" \-bg black \-fg white

The error "Unknown character: \n" is reported.

User Comments: dkf added on 2004-07-07 17:57:13:
Logged In: YES 

OK, should be fixed now.

(Wow, this code is crufty...)

mistachkin added on 2004-07-06 16:44:20:

File Added - 93009: bug983146.diff

Logged In: YES 

Ok, this patch fixes both remaining problems to the best of 
my ability and knowledge.

Please review and commit to HEAD (and maybe 8.4?) when 

mistachkin added on 2004-07-06 16:43:19:

File Deleted - 93007:

mistachkin added on 2004-07-06 16:02:02:

File Added - 93007: bug983146.diff

mistachkin added on 2004-07-06 15:39:11:

File Deleted - 93006:

mistachkin added on 2004-07-06 15:36:23:

File Added - 93006: bug983146.diff

mistachkin added on 2004-07-06 13:02:37:
Logged In: YES 

Unless I'm reading it wrong, the man2html tools don't support 
the dynamic width calculation either (see setTabs 
in "tools/man2html2.tcl").

mistachkin added on 2004-07-01 15:43:42:
Logged In: YES 

It appears that the "\(bu" construct is handled, but not when 
it appears after an ".IP" ?

The "bad distance" stems from the fact that getTwips has no 
capability to dynamically calculate the width of a string (it 
currently knows nothing about "\w").

mistachkin added on 2004-07-01 15:23:28:
Logged In: YES 


The "Unknown sequence: \(" error and "bad distance" errors 
come from the formattedText and getTwips procs 
in "tools/man2help2.tcl".

dkf added on 2004-07-01 15:10:48:
Logged In: YES 

Thanks for reporting these.  Fixed in HEAD.

BTW, the faults you reported for the bind manpage are not
faults in the manpage formatting.  They're faults in the
software that you are using to analyse the manpage.  In all
*roff versions I can find documented, \(bu is expanded to
the current system bullet character (which in turn depends
on all sorts of factors) and \w'...'u is a sequence for
measuring some text instead of hard-coding a (probably
wrong) width.  :^)
