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Ticket UUID: 811461
Title: mclocale needs stricter arg checking?
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.5a0
Submitter: dgp Created on: 2003-09-23 23:51:43
Subsystem: 30. msgcat Package Assigned To: dgp
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2004-04-01 02:03:46
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: dgp
    Closed on: 2004-03-31 19:03:46
% package require msgcat 
% msgcat::mclocale ___foo__bar_soom
% msgcat::mcpreferences
foo__bar_soom foo__bar foo_ foo {} {} {}

In light of TIP 156 proposing to
give special meaning the the
catalog name {}, perhaps
[mclocale] should be stricter
about accepting only the documented
locale format?
User Comments: dgp added on 2004-04-01 02:03:46:
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modified patch applied to
core-8-4-branch (msgcat 1.3.2)
and HEAD (msgcat 1.4.1)

kennykb added on 2004-04-01 00:51:22:
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I don't see an obvious reason to object to the patch.
The results should be at least unsurprising.
Since frequently the locale handed to [mclocale] comes
from environment variables outside our control,
silently extracting what information we can
seems like the right thing - it beats having a mysterious
failure as an app is initialising.

dkf added on 2004-03-31 16:10:28:
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As I said earlier, there are two ways forward and each is
correct in some situations.  We don't want to be hostage to
a user's broken environment, but nor do we want to encourage
the acceptance of any old random junk in situations where
the user of the msgcat package does have some control.

dgp added on 2004-03-31 09:44:53:

File Added - 82016: 811461.patch

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Here's a patch that effectively leads
[mclocale] to collapse multi-_ sequences
to avoid the trouble cited in this report.
[mclocale] continues to accept anything,
but "interprets" multiple "_" in a row
and leading "_" as errors and "routes
around them".

With this patch in place, the example
output becomes:
   foo_bar_soom foo_bar soom {}


dkf added on 2003-11-20 04:12:39:
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There are two possibilities:
1) Complain if the format doesn't match what we expect
2) Silently try to extract what we can.

1) is better if we're explicitly setting the locale, and 2)
is better if it is happening "magically" during package load

dgp added on 2003-11-20 03:40:02:
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kennykb appears busy.
any comments, dkf?

dgp added on 2003-10-03 05:02:24:
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again, looking for idea review here.
