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Ticket UUID: 676978
Title: -errfile and -outfile left open
Type: Bug Version: None
Submitter: dgp Created on: 2003-01-29 19:36:45
Subsystem: 34. tcltest Package Assigned To: dgp
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2003-02-06 23:35:30
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: dgp
    Closed on: 2003-02-06 16:35:30
The [errorChannel] and [outputChannel] commands
[open] files, but never [close] them.  This can cause
[cleanupTests] to be unable to clean up files that
are still held open.
User Comments: dgp added on 2003-02-06 23:35:30:
Logged In: YES 

committed.  Now at version 2.2.2

dgp added on 2003-02-06 23:20:05:

File Deleted - 41179: 

File Added - 41678: 676978.patch

Logged In: YES 

Here's an improved patch that should
be more robust.

kennykb added on 2003-02-01 03:56:34:
Logged In: YES 

No errors observed on Win2k with the patch applied.  No complaints about an 'ofile' or 'efile' left around.

dgp added on 2003-02-01 01:30:45:

File Added - 41179: 676978.patch

Logged In: YES 

really two separate bugs here.

First files are [open]'d but not [close]d.

Second, the files opened to be used as
-outfile or -errfile really should be treated
differently from files that just happen to
be created as side effects of tests.  In
particular, it's unlikely that you want
[cleanupTests] to remove the files that
hold all output or error log information from
running the test suite.

Here's a patch that attempts to improve
things a bit.  I doubt it's completely right,
because the interfaces here are just so
badly designed it may be near impossible
to make them work sensibly.

Please give this a try.
