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Ticket UUID: 3295154
Title: Sockets not responding
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.6b1
Submitter: mb-austin Created on: 2011-04-29 22:34:42
Subsystem: 02. Event Loops Assigned To: nijtmans
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2013-01-23 23:14:06
Resolution: Duplicate Closed By: nijtmans
    Closed on: 2013-01-23 16:14:06
OS - Windows Vista
Tcl Version - Activestate  8.6b1.2

creating multiple client sockets over a short period of time cause the server socket to quit responding.  Incoming connections are accepted, but the command for the server socket server is never called.

I've include a single file that causes the problem on my machine.  it builds a socket server that just listens for connections and logs when one comes in.
It also creates 10 client requests.
Only some fraction of these client requests are logged.

I was worried that it might be caused from the client/server running from the same program, so I split up and ran with client on one machine and server on another.  The same problem still happened.  

---- server.tcl -----
set connection_count 0
proc connect {args} {
    incr ::connection_count
    puts stdout "$::connection_count -- connect from $args"

socket -server connect 4444

puts stdout "waiting for connection"
vwait forever

------- end of server.tcl ------------

----- client.tcl -------------
proc doit {{count 10}} {
    for {set x 1} {$x <= $count} {incr x} {
        puts stdout "$x  -- start connection "
        socket localhost 4444
        #after  1

-------- end of client.tcl ------

Expected Output:
I would expect for the server to show 10 connections.
the actual result is some number < 10.. by tweaking the after value in the client you can slow it down enough to get all 10 requests.

I thought this might be a problem with too many sockets in a TIMED_WAIT state, but I waited until I had no sockets in the timed wait state, ran the test and got this result

$ tcl sockettest.tcl
1 -- start CLIENT
1 -- SERVER -- connect from  sock420 61692
2 -- start CLIENT
2 -- SERVER -- connect from  sock428 61693
3 -- start CLIENT
3 -- SERVER -- connect from  sock440 61694
4 -- start CLIENT
5 -- start CLIENT
4 -- SERVER -- connect from  sock460 61695
6 -- start CLIENT
7 -- start CLIENT
8 -- start CLIENT
9 -- start CLIENT
10 -- start CLIENT
total connections:  4
User Comments: nijtmans added on 2013-01-23 23:14:06:
Dup of 3056775, closing.

twylite added on 2013-01-23 17:55:42:
I strongly suspect this is bug 3056775 "Socket -server stops accepting connections under load", which has been fixed.  See

I can reproduce this bug on $tcl_patchLevel = 8.6b1.2 (which is what 3056775 was reported against), but have no problems on 8.6.0 release (built from Fossil tag, using MSVC10).

... and now I see mb-austin's comment to the same effect ;)  Recommend you try with the latest ActiveState release.

nijtmans added on 2013-01-23 17:32:16:
I cannot reproduce this (On Windows 7, win32),
just always getting all 10 expected connections.

        Jan Nijtmans

mb-austin added on 2011-04-30 05:46:00:
A little more searching shows that it is very similar (if not identical) to
 bug 3056775.

That bug was reported as fixed.

mb-austin added on 2011-04-30 05:34:42:

File Added - 410269: sockettest.tcl
