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Ticket UUID: 3056785
Title: update to TEA 3.9 and Thread 2.6.7 release
Type: Bug Version: None
Submitter: dgp Created on: 2010-08-31 15:25:36
Subsystem: 80. Thread Package Assigned To: vasiljevic
Priority: 9 Immediate Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2011-08-20 03:34:38
Resolution: Accepted Closed By: dgp
    Closed on: 2011-08-19 20:34:38
Attached is patch making changes to

Apply and run autoconf to get the HEAD ready
to produce Thread 2.6.7.
User Comments: dgp added on 2011-08-20 03:34:38:

allow_comments - 1

dgp added on 2011-08-01 21:41:57:
see 3383288

dgp added on 2011-06-28 01:20:53:
New release candidate for Thread 2.6.7 now
ready for testing:

dgp added on 2011-06-28 00:36:45:
TEA 3.9 had more changes, all related to
AC_PROG_INSTALL().  Committed changes
copied over from "sampleextension" to keep

dgp added on 2010-11-19 04:23:08:
committed that patch after testing found
it effective.

Testers currently report 3 other issues:

1) Compiler warnings about passing integer
values where a pointer type is expected.  This
is a common safe thing done in the Tcl world.
The issue is just to surpress the warning.

2) Updates to are needed to support VC10.

3) `make test` crashes in the --with-aolserver configuration.

I think we need to fix 2) before releasing 2.6.7.  It would be
good to fix the other matters too, but if that's difficult or otherwise
undesirable, I don't think they need to block the release.

twylite added on 2010-11-18 17:18:25:
Tested thread2.6.7rc0.tar.gz as part of a build of Tcl CVS-HEAD today, using MSVC6 and MSVC9.  Builds, installs and runs thread test suite with no problems.

dgp added on 2010-11-17 04:33:32:
Attached vc.patch is meant to make the
released distributions have the proper
placement and contents of the "vc" files.

The test release that would come from 
HEAD + this patch is available for testing 
over at

Testing and comments appreciated.

dgp added on 2010-11-17 04:31:31:

File Added - 393487: vc.patch

vasiljevic added on 2010-10-14 18:24:41:
Hmmm,,, according to my knowledge you need the cvs commit support for Tcl
for doing anything here (I might be wrong). Only admins of the Tcl Project 
can grant this privilege. I cannot I'm, afraid.

A file move is IIRC a cvs checkin in the new place followed by the
cvs delete in the old place (CVS should keep the old file under Attic
to be able to build old(er) releases. This again requires cvs commit priv.

So anybody who wants to help needs Tcl commit righrs (I do not know
if this can be reduced just to the extension branch).

I am sure at least one TCT memver and TCl project admin is reading
these posts...

Oh man, who selected this tiny font here??? I am starting to lose my eyes :-(

twylite added on 2010-10-14 18:01:46:
I'm quite willing to make and test the changes, but:
(1) At the moment I don't think I have commit access to the repository.  I have provided the necessary patch some comments down, or someone can give me rights.
(2) The change involves moving files from the 'vc' direction to its parent.  I don't know the preferred way to do this in CVS for this project.

vasiljevic added on 2010-10-14 17:44:57:
I have a slight problem with Windows...

Apart from the general disliking of the platform as a whole 
(which is another story) I do not have any possibility of 
getting anything done there. First, I lack the time, then the 
knowledge, the resources (machine/OS) and last (but not
the least) the fun of doing it. 

Anybody is more then welcome to help.

dgp added on 2010-10-13 22:06:01:
Seems to work fine for me, but I don't think
twylite's issues are fully addressed yet.

dgp added on 2010-10-05 00:25:24:
I'll be testing now; will report what I find.  Thanks!

vasiljevic added on 2010-10-05 00:21:35:
There you go! I have no Windows box to check that part but Unix builds should be ok.
If all is well I can close this ticket?

dgp added on 2010-10-05 00:13:55:
I don't understand what compatibility concerns
you have.  Just concerned about those who
(re-)run autoconf for themselves?

vasiljevic added on 2010-10-05 00:12:44:
OK. I wss not sure about the backward compatiblity.

dgp added on 2010-10-05 00:10:02:
You've already (implicitly) updated the tclconfig/*
files themselves.  All I'm asking is you make the
corresponding changes to so we stop
getting bogus warnings from every configure.

vasiljevic added on 2010-10-05 00:08:01:
Will this be backward compatible with old systems that 
used to complile previous version?

dgp added on 2010-10-05 00:04:13:
The patch attached to this Tracker item
has not been applied

(TEA_INIT([3.7]) --> TEA_INIT([3.9]) and related changes).

vasiljevic added on 2010-10-04 22:56:28:

2010-09-28 Zoran Vasiljevic <[email protected]>

        * generic/threadCmd.c: Initialize tsdPtr->interp to NULL immediately after
        releasing the interp on thread-exit that should hopefully resolve the 
        Tcl Bug #3026061

        * generic/threadCmd.c: Removed safe-init so safe-interps should not be 
        able to run thread commands directly.

        * lib/ttrace.tcl: Changed version to 2.6.7 to be in sync with main pkg.

        * Bumped version to 2.6.7 and autoconf'ed.

You do not see this in ChangeLog?

dgp added on 2010-10-04 22:41:28:
I see the upgrade to TEA 3.9 changes are still
not committed.  Anything they're waiting on?

dgp added on 2010-09-29 11:05:10:
> "how-to-make-a-release" memory... 

tag, export, `make dist`

twylite added on 2010-09-29 04:59:02:
Jos Decoster and I mentioned on tcl-core that Thread's is in the wrong folder (for Tcl's to find it).  A quick glance at the tracker suggests that neither of us have submitted a patch yet.  

If you're making a 2.6.7 release that is supposed to work in pkgs/ , this is probably the time to make such a change.

The contents of the vc/ folder need to be moved up into the win/ folder, then the following change applied to win/ :

retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1
--- 31 Aug 2010 17:50:58 -0000
+++ 28 Sep 2010 21:54:41 -0000
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@

 BINROOT                = .
-ROOT            = ..\..
+ROOT            = ..


If you'd prefer this submitted as a separate bug please yell.

vasiljevic added on 2010-09-29 03:37:04:
This will have to wait until tomorrow. I need to refresh my
"how-to-make-a-release" memory...

dgp added on 2010-09-29 03:33:49:
I suggest a "Release Candidate" we can try out
in tcl/pkgs/ before making the formal 2.6.7 release.

vasiljevic added on 2010-09-29 03:29:22:
Ah... this memory leak is not there. I was fooled by the per-default tclshell as 
distributed in Mac OSX. It is non-threaded or something else is wrong there so
it leaks grossly. A fresh 8.4 in thread-build and 2.6.7 threadinf extension is absoluely clean w.r.t. memory leaking.

vasiljevic added on 2010-09-29 03:19:14:
I added 2.6.7 to ttrace.tcl and to and autoconf'ed.
I also fixed two minor bugs.
Thera is a HUGE memory leak w.r.t thread creation/teardown.
It is absolutely unclear to me why! Our private fork that I maintain
for our needs works fine. So I need to see what caused this leak
first before actually doing any release :-(

andreas_kupries added on 2010-09-29 01:25:20:
Hi Zoran. Just ran into a bug when building Tcl 8.6+pkgs/ (CVS Head).
The Ttrace package in the semi-released 2.6.6 used in the Tcl8.6 pkgs/ directory
reports itself as 2.6.5, i.e. is in conflict with the data in pkgIndex.tcl.

This seems to have been fixed in the CVS of Thread, but not in a real release.

Adding my voice here in support of a 2.6.7 release which has all the version numbers fixed and straight.

Without I have to add local patches to my checkout to get something working after the build.

dgp added on 2010-09-02 20:17:24:
New patch gets the win/vc/ update as well.

dgp added on 2010-09-02 20:17:00:

File Added - 385388: 3056785.patch

twylite added on 2010-09-01 21:44:23:
Please make sure that win\vc\ is updated as well.

See Bug #3057497

dgp added on 2010-08-31 22:38:35:
I noticed that "Thread 2.6.6" that got tagged
several month ago never got actual release
archive stuck over in the Files area.  I've just
done that.

dgp added on 2010-08-31 22:25:39:

File Added - 385115: update.patch
