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Ticket UUID: 2143232
Title: isqrt 'make check' failure
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.6a2
Submitter: nobody Created on: 2008-10-02 22:55:55
Subsystem: 56. LibTomMath Assigned To: dgp
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2008-10-03 23:01:03
Resolution: Duplicate Closed By: dgp
    Closed on: 2008-10-03 16:01:03
'make check' produces -

==== expr-47.12 isqrt of various sizes of integer FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    set faults 0
    for {set i 0} {$faults < 10 && $i <= 1024} {incr i} {
        set root [expr {1 << $i}]
        set rm1 [expr {$root - 1}]
        set arg [expr {1 << (2 * $i)}]
        set tval [expr {isqrt($arg-1)}]
        if {$tval != $rm1} {
            append trouble "i = " $i ": isqrt(" $arg "-1) == " $tval  " != " $rm1 "\n"
            incr faults
        set tval [expr {isqrt($arg)}]
        if {$tval != $root} {
            append trouble "i = " $i ": isqrt(" $arg ") == " $tval  " != " $root "\n"
            incr faults
        set tval [expr {isqrt($arg+1)}]
        if {$tval != $root} {
            append trouble "i = " $i ": isqrt(" $arg "+1) == " $tval  " != " $root "\n"
            incr faults
    set trouble

---- Result was:
i = 28: isqrt(72057594037927936-1) == 279620267 != 268435455
i = 28: isqrt(72057594037927936+1) == 279620267 != 268435456
i = 29: isqrt(288230376151711744-1) == 545818760 != 536870911
i = 29: isqrt(288230376151711744+1) == 545818760 != 536870912
i = 30: isqrt(1152921504606846976-1) == 1079707056 != 1073741823
i = 30: isqrt(1152921504606846976+1) == 1079707056 != 1073741824
i = 31: isqrt(4611686018427387904-1) == 2150992608 != 2147483647
i = 31: isqrt(4611686018427387904+1) == 2150992608 != 2147483648
i = 32: isqrt(18446744073709551616-1) == 4296881274 != 4294967295
i = 41: isqrt(4835703278458516698824704-1) == 2199023259647 != 2199023255551

---- Result should have been (exact matching):

==== expr-47.12 FAILED

This is with gcc-4.2.1, -O2.  Without -O2, the test passes.

I believe the cause is in bn_mp_sqrt.c; the following patch fixes it.

--- tcl8.6a2/libtommath/bn_mp_sqrt.c    2006-12-01 05:48:23.000000000 +0000
+++ tcl8.6a2-patched/libtommath/bn_mp_sqrt.c    2008-10-01 00:02:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
   if (dig) {
       t1.used = i+2;
       d -= ldexp((double) dig, DIGIT_BIT);
-      if (d != 0.0) {
+      if (d >= 1.0) {
          t1.dp[i+1] = dig;
          t1.dp[i] = ((mp_digit) d) - 1;
       } else {

The reason is that d can become small, much less than 1.0 but not exactly 0.0 - in that case t1 is not set to a valid representation.
t1.dp[i] is -1, outside the range of a 28bit mp_digit.
Without -O2, d is exactly 0.0 for the first failing case, hence t1 is valid and the final result is correct.
This could be due to intermediate results being rounded to 64 bit double, but with -O2 everything is kept as 80 bit long double.

With attached code extracted from bn_mp_isqrt.c, I get
% make CC=/usr/local/gcc-4.2.1/bin/gcc CFLAGS=-O2 LDFLAGS=-lm isqrt && ./isqrt
/usr/local/gcc-4.2.1/bin/gcc -O2  -lm  isqrt.c   -o isqrt
d=-1.86265e-09=-0x1p-29 dig=1

System is
Linux piglet 2.4.36 #1 Tue Jan 22 01:12:23 GMT 2008 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

[email protected]
User Comments: dgp added on 2008-10-03 23:01:03:
Dup 2143288

[email protected] added on 2008-10-03 05:55:55:

File Added - 295833: isqrt.c
