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Ticket UUID: 1505383
Title: clock format %W broken
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.5a5
Submitter: tallniel Created on: 2006-06-13 12:55:14
Subsystem: 06. Time Measurement Assigned To: kennykb
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2006-07-31 02:01:45
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: kennykb
    Closed on: 2006-07-30 19:01:45
clock format %W option is broken in current CVS:

% info pa
% clock format [clock seconds] -format %W
can't read "Wweeknumber": no such variable
% set errorInfo
can't read "Wweeknumber": no such variable
    while executing
"::format %02d  $Wweeknumber"
    (procedure "::tcl::clock::formatproc'%W'C" line 11)
    invoked from within
"$formatter $clockval $timezone"
    (procedure "::tcl::clock::format" line 74)
    invoked from within
"::tcl::clock::format 1150202323 -format %W"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel 1 [info level 0]"
    (procedure "::tcl::clock::format" line 4)
    invoked from within
"clock format [clock seconds] -format %W"
% info body tcl::clock::formatproc'%W'C

                 variable TZData
                 set date [GetDateFields $clockval 
$TZData($timezone)  2299161]
                            set WweekNumber  [expr { (
[dict get $date dayOfYear]
                                          - [dict get
$date dayOfWeek]
                                          + 7 ) 
                                        / 7 }]

        return [::format %02d  $Wweeknumber]

The problem is this last reference to $Wweeknumber in
the format: the 'n' should be capitalised. As this is
generated code, the actual bug is in library/clock.tcl
line 4625, proc tcl::clock::ParseClockFormatFormat2. I
attach a patch that fixes this.
User Comments: kennykb added on 2006-07-31 02:01:45:
Logged In: YES 

Joe Mistachkin's comments are a separate bug, which would
get tickled in some combinations of %E without %O.

Neil's analysis of the %W bug is fixed.  (Neil, why on
Earth were you using %W, anyway? The ISO week number is
%V - %W is for compatibility with some legacy software
but is not correct for any known calendar.)

Both bugs are now fixed.

mistachkin added on 2006-06-14 00:41:08:
Logged In: YES 

I think some of the other format specifiers are also broken
(at least %Ey and %EY):

clock format [clock seconds] -format %Ey
% can't use empty string as operand of "-"
    while executing
"expr { [dict get $date year]
                                         - [lindex $etable
$index 2] }"
    (procedure "GetLocaleEra" line 9)
    invoked from within
"GetLocaleEra  $date[set date {}]  {}"
    (procedure "::tcl::clock::formatproc'%Ey'C" line 6)
    invoked from within
"$formatter $clockval $timezone"
    (procedure "::tcl::clock::format" line 74)
    invoked from within
"clock format [clock seconds] -format %Ey"

tallniel added on 2006-06-13 19:55:15:

File Added - 181506: clockformatW.patch
