Tcl Source Code

View Ticket
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA
Ticket UUID: 471874
Title: TIPs 22, 33, and 45
Type: Patch Version: None
Submitter: kennykb Created on: 2001-10-16 21:19:22
Subsystem: 17. Commands I-L Assigned To: kennykb
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2001-11-15 06:17:54
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: hobbs
    Closed on: 2001-11-14 23:17:54
The attached patch, plus the three new files, doc/lset.n, tests/lset.test and tests/lsetComp.test, 
comprise the reference implementation for the functionality described in TIPs #22, #33, and #45.  
It is posted here for review by the affected maintainers.
User Comments: hobbs added on 2001-11-15 06:17:54:
Logged In: YES 

This was tested and commited to 8.4a4cvs on Nov14.

dgp added on 2001-11-07 04:54:05:
Logged In: YES 

Latest patch applies clean to HEAD and 'make test'
reveals no new failures.  I'm trusting the developers
to have come up with a complete test set.

One change I would make to the docs in lindex.n and
lset.n.  They have syntax like:

\fBlindex \fIlist ?index...?\fR

but then the description that follows refers to
the "\fIindices\fR" .  I think that would be better
phrased the "\fIindex\fR arguments"

Note I think there are also several instances of 
\fP in the man pages where \fR is intended.

kennykb added on 2001-11-06 23:47:59:

File Deleted - 12135: 

File Added - 12923: tip-22-33-45.patch4

kennykb added on 2001-11-06 23:47:58:
Logged In: YES 

Fourth version of the patches.  Fixes a bug that DKF discovered
where it was possible to assign to ptr2 in an object's internal
representation without first ascertaining that the object was
a list.

kennykb added on 2001-11-06 23:46:59:
Logged In: YES 

Fourth version of the patches.  Fixes a bug that DKF discovered
where it was possible to assign to ptr2 in an object's internal
representation without first ascertaining that the object was
a list.

kennykb added on 2001-10-22 22:17:49:

File Added - 12322: lset.n

kennykb added on 2001-10-22 22:17:48:
Logged In: YES 

At dkf's suggestion, added to lset.n a paragraph describing the behaviour when a list index is out of range.

kennykb added on 2001-10-22 22:14:36:

File Deleted - 12059:

dgp added on 2001-10-18 07:56:21:
Logged In: YES 

'make test' with the latest revision:

==== obj-31.5 regenerate string rep of "end--bigInteger"
==== Contents of test case:

    testobj freeallvars
    teststringobj set 1 end--0x80000000
    testobj convert 1 end-offset
    testobj invalidateStringRep 1

---- Result was:
integer value too large to represent
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
---- Test generated error; Return code was: 1
---- Return code should have been one of: 0 2
==== obj-31.5 FAILED

kennykb added on 2001-10-18 05:34:16:

File Added - 12135: tip-22-33-45.patch3

kennykb added on 2001-10-18 05:33:18:

File Deleted - 12098: 

Logged In: YES 

On the chat, dgp objected to the fact that tclEndOffsetType wasn't a registered type and lacked an 
"update string" procedure.  The third version of the patch adds the missing features.  It also adds an 
"invalidateStringRep" option to the [testobj] command, so that the "update string" procedure can be tested: 
otherwise, the string rep of an "end-offset" object is never spoilt intentionally, nor is such an object ever 
built except from a string.

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 21:22:18:

File Added - 12099: lsetComp.test

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 21:22:17:
Logged In: YES 

Also removed a stray 'exit' from lsetComp.test -- how'd THAT get in there??? 8^)

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 21:21:03:

File Deleted - 12061:

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 21:01:53:

File Added - 12098: tip-22-33-45.patch2

Logged In: YES 

tip-22-33-45.patch2 is a revised set of patches for the modified files.  It contains two changes from the 

(1) a memory leak in tclCmdIL.c (TclLsetList) has been plugged

(2) the symbols TRUE and FALSE (defined on Windows, not elsewhere) used in tclListObj.c have been 
replaced with 1 and 0 respectively.

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 20:58:55:

File Deleted - 12058:

dgp added on 2001-10-17 08:50:38:
Logged In: YES 

generic/tclListObj.c does not compile
because TRUE and FALSE are not defined.

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 04:23:17:

File Added - 12061: lsetComp.test

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 04:22:05:

File Added - 12060: lset.test

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 04:20:58:

File Added - 12059: lset.n

kennykb added on 2001-10-17 04:19:22:

File Added - 12058: tip-22-33-45.patch
