Tcl Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: b39e14ba53d51672a6b8eb0391b99f3826f74106
Ticket: 578155d5a19b348dc1a9fe96cc2c067a59326a89
Very rare bug (segfault) if set variable (with error case) using self-releasable object as new value
User & Date: sebres 2017-07-17 16:59:39

  1. icomment:
    Well, this seems to have repercussions - today I would check my idea with new flag <code>TCL_OWN_OBJREF</code> and have verified at which places everywhere in tcl (and some modules like thread, etc) it may be needed.
    Thereby I found many places, where it's currently wrong (e. g. usage of released object, wrong free or even leaks).<br/>
    Too many to list all this here...<br/>
    Just as an example, see <a href="">Tcl_ObjSetVar2(..., matchVarObj, NULL, emptyObj, ...)</a> that will use already released object <code>emptyObj</code> if 10 lines <a href="">above</a> the same object <code>emptyObj</code> will be released in trace by <code>Tcl_ObjSetVar2(..., indexVarObj, NULL, emptyObj, ...) </code>.
    Note that in current versions this does not have <code>Tcl_DecrRefCount(emptyObj)</code> in error cases (since auto-release in [510663a99e3a096bb7bab7314eb59fc805335318]), but it does no matter because this can be released in trace by set.
    I would like to fix all such errors (and similar) for 8.5th, 8.6th and trunk branches (together with introducing of already suggested new flag TCL_OWN_OBJREF or using some other solution like new internal function <code>TclObjOwnAndSetVar</code>), but firstly I would like to know what TCT thinks about (new flag?, new function?, something other?).
    IMHO but (very-very controversial) auto-release made in [510663a99e3a096bb7bab7314eb59fc805335318] is not really a solution and should be rewritten.
    Please note also, that this behavior is undocumented, so many people make still:
    Tcl_Obj *newObj = SomethingReturnsNewObjOfTypeX(...);
    if (Tcl_ObjSetVar2(..., varObj, NULL, newObj, ...) == NULL) {
      return TCL_ERROR;
    What is currently wrong (because since [510663a99e3a096bb7bab7314eb59fc805335318] it is double decreased, and can cause segfault).
  2. login: "sebres"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-wiki"