Tcl Source Code

Artifact [7fc113cfdd]

Artifact 7fc113cfddd84ab2f9ffcfed888492f0487884cd:

Attachment "apply.test" to ticket [944803ffff] added by msofer 2006-01-22 09:03:33.
# Commands covered:  apply
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Miguel Sofer
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: apply.test,v 1.7 2001/07/03 23:39:24 hobbs Exp $

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

if {[info commands ::apply] eq {}} {

# Tests for wrong number of arguments

test apply-1.1 {too few arguments} {
    set res [catch apply msg]
    list $res $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "apply lambdaExpr ?arg1 arg2 ...?"}}

# Tests for malformed lambda

test apply-2.0 {malformed lambda} {
    set lambda a
    set res [catch {apply $lambda} msg]
    list $res $msg
} {1 {can't interpret "a" as a lambda expression}}

test apply-2.1 {malformed lambda} {
    set lambda [list a b c d]
    set res [catch {apply $lambda} msg]
    list $res $msg
} {1 {can't interpret "a b c d" as a lambda expression}}

test apply-2.2 {malformed lambda} {
    set lambda [list {{}} boo]
    set res [catch {apply $lambda} msg]
    list $res $msg $::errorInfo
} {1 {argument with no name} {argument with no name
    (parsing lambda expression "{{}} boo")
    invoked from within
"apply $lambda"}}

test apply-2.3 {malformed lambda} {
    set lambda [list {{a b c}} boo]
    set res [catch {apply $lambda} msg]
    list $res $msg $::errorInfo
} {1 {too many fields in argument specifier "a b c"} {too many fields in argument specifier "a b c"
    (parsing lambda expression "{{a b c}} boo")
    invoked from within
"apply $lambda"}}

test apply-2.4 {malformed lambda} {
    set lambda [list a(1) boo]
    set res [catch {apply $lambda} msg]
    list $res $msg $::errorInfo
} {1 {formal parameter "a(1)" is an array element} {formal parameter "a(1)" is an array element
    (parsing lambda expression "a(1) boo")
    invoked from within
"apply $lambda"}}

test apply-2.5 {malformed lambda} {
    set lambda [list a::b boo]
    set res [catch {apply $lambda} msg]
    list $res $msg $::errorInfo
} {1 {formal parameter "a::b" is not a simple name} {formal parameter "a::b" is not a simple name
    (parsing lambda expression "a::b boo")
    invoked from within
"apply $lambda"}}

# Tests for runtime errors in the lambda expression

test apply-3.1 {non-existing namespace} {
    set lambda [list x {set x 1} ::NONEXIST::FOR::SURE]
    set res [catch {apply $lambda x} msg]
    list $res $msg
} {1 {cannot find namespace "::::NONEXIST::FOR::SURE"}}

test apply-3.2 {non-existing namespace} {
    namespace eval ::NONEXIST::FOR::SURE {}
    set lambda [list x {set x 1} ::NONEXIST::FOR::SURE]
    apply $lambda x
    namespace delete ::NONEXIST
    set res [catch {apply $lambda x} msg]
    list $res $msg
} {1 {cannot find namespace "::::NONEXIST::FOR::SURE"}}

test apply-4.1 {error in arguments to lambda expression} {
    set lambda [list x {set x 1}]
    set res [catch {apply $lambda} msg]
    list $res $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "apply {x {set x 1}} x"}}

test apply-4.2 {error in arguments to lambda expression} {
    set lambda [list x {set x 1}]
    set res [catch {apply $lambda x y} msg]
    list $res $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "apply {x {set x 1}} x"}}

# Tests for correct execution; as the implementation is the same as that for
# procs, the general functionality is mostly tested elsewhere

test apply-5.1 {info level} {
    set lev [info level]
    set lambda [list {} {info level}]
    expr {[apply $lambda] - $lev}
} 1

test apply-5.2 {info level} {
    set lambda [list {} {info level 0}]
    apply $lambda
} {apply {{} {info level 0}}}

test apply-5.3 {info level} {
    set lambda [list args {info level 0}]
    apply $lambda x y
} {apply {args {info level 0}} x y}

# Tests for correct namespace scope

namespace eval ::testApply {
    set x 0
    proc testApply args {return testApply}

test apply-6.1 {namespace access} {
    set body {set x 1; set x}
    list [apply [list args $body ::testApply]] $::testApply::x
} {1 0}

test apply-6.2 {namespace access} {
    set body {variable x; set x}
    list [apply [list args $body ::testApply]] $::testApply::x
} {0 0}

test apply-6.3 {namespace access} {
    set body {variable x; set x 1}
    list [apply [list args $body ::testApply]] $::testApply::x
} {1 1}

test apply-6.3 {namespace access} {
    set body {testApply}
    apply [list args $body ::testApply]
} testApply

# Tests for correct argument treatment

set applyBody {
    set res {}
    foreach v [info locals] {
	if {$v eq "res"} continue
	lappend res [list $v [set $v]]
    set res

test apply-7.1 {args treatment} {
    apply [list args $applyBody] 1 2 3
} {{args {1 2 3}}}

test apply-7.2 {args treatment} {
    apply [list {x args} $applyBody] 1 2
} {{x 1} {args 2}}

test apply-7.3 {args treatment} {
    apply [list {x args} $applyBody] 1 2 3
} {{x 1} {args {2 3}}}

test apply-7.4 {default values} {
    apply [list {{x 1} {y 2}} $applyBody] 
} {{x 1} {y 2}}

test apply-7.5 {default values} {
    apply [list {{x 1} {y 2}} $applyBody] 3 4
} {{x 3} {y 4}}

test apply-7.6 {default values} {
    apply [list {{x 1} {y 2}} $applyBody] 3
} {{x 3} {y 2}}

test apply-7.7 {default values} {
    apply [list {x {y 2}} $applyBody] 1
} {{x 1} {y 2}}

test apply-7.8 {default values} {
    apply [list {x {y 2}} $applyBody] 1 3
} {{x 1} {y 3}}

test apply-7.9 {default values} {
    apply [list {x {y 2} args} $applyBody] 1
} {{x 1} {y 2} {args {}}}

test apply-7.10 {default values} {
    apply [list {x {y 2} args} $applyBody] 1 3
} {{x 1} {y 3} {args {}}}

# Tests for the avoidance of recompilation

# cleanup

namespace delete testApply
