Tcl Source Code

Artifact [f2df83cd7c]

Artifact f2df83cd7c0efa6637e7bb8696b1aeef70f4d07a:

Attachment "tree.tcl" to ticket [731182ffff] added by nobody 2003-05-02 13:37:17.
package require Tix
set folder [tix getimage folder]
set file   [tix getimage file]

wm withdraw .
set w .tree
toplevel $w
set tree_fr [frame $w.tree_fr -relief raised -bd 2]
set _file_tree [tixTree $tree_fr.file_tree -command Command]

pack $_file_tree -side left -expand 1 -fill both
set _file_hlist [$_file_tree subwidget hlist]
$_file_hlist configure -separator "/"
$_file_hlist configure -height    20
$_file_hlist configure -font      -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
$_file_hlist configure -padx      2
$_file_hlist configure -pady      0

set directories {
    /a01 /a02 /a03 /a04 /a05 /a06 /a07 /a08 /a09 /a10
    /b11 /b12 /b13 /b14 /b15 /b16 /b17 /b18 /b19 /b20
    /c21 /c22 /c23 /c24 /c25 /c26 /c27 /c28 /c29 /c30
    /d31 /d32 /d33 /d34 /d35 /d36 /d37 /d38 /d39 /d40
    /e41 /e42 /e43 /e44 /e45 /e46 /e47 /e48 /e49
foreach directory $directories {
	$_file_hlist add $directory -itemtype imagetext -image $folder -text $directory

pack $tree_fr -side top -fill both -expand 1

proc Command {entry} {
	puts "you have selected $entry"