Tcl Source Code

Artifact [0d711410fb]

Artifact 0d711410fbf9907634b65e17d37f1b29b41da68c:

Attachment "encoding-jajp.test" to ticket [689341ffff] added by hkoba 2003-02-20 23:53:10.
# -*- tcl -*-

package require tcltest 2
namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

# ===> Cut here and insert to encoding.test <===
proc foreach-jisx0208 {varName command} {
    upvar 1 $varName code
    foreach range {
	{2121 217E}
	{2221 222E}
	{223A 2241}
	{224A 2250}
	{225C 226A}
	{2272 2279}
	{227E 227E}
	{2330 2339}
	{2421 2473}
	{2521 2576}
	{2821 2821}
	{282C 282C}
	{2837 2837}

	{30 21 4E 7E}
	{4F21 4F53}

	{50 21 73 7E}
	{7421 7426}
    } {
	if {[llength $range] == 2} {
	    # for adhoc range. simple {first last}. inclusive.
	    set first [scan [lindex $range 0] %x]
	    set last [scan [lindex $range 1] %x]
	    for {set i $first} {$i <= $last} {incr i} {
		set code $i
		uplevel 1 $command
	} elseif {[llength $range] == 4} {
	    # for uniform range.
	    set h0 [scan [lindex $range 0] %x]
	    set l0 [scan [lindex $range 1] %x]
	    set hend [scan [lindex $range 2] %x]
	    set lend [scan [lindex $range 3] %x]
	    for {set hi $h0} {$hi <= $hend} {incr hi} {
		for {set lo $l0} {$lo <= $lend} {incr lo} {
		    set code [expr {$hi << 8 | ($lo & 0xff)}]
		    uplevel 1 $command
	} else {
	    error "really?"
proc gen-jisx0208-euc-jp {code} {
    binary format cc \
	[expr {($code >> 8) | 0x80}] [expr {($code & 0xff) | 0x80}]
proc gen-jisx0208-iso2022-jp {code} {
    binary format a3cca3 \
	"\x1b\$B" [expr {$code >> 8}] [expr {$code & 0xff}] "\x1b(B"
proc gen-jisx0208-cp932 {code} {
    set c1 [expr {($code >> 8) | 0x80}]
    set c2 [expr {($code & 0xff)| 0x80}]
    if {$c1 % 2} {
	set c1 [expr {($c1 >> 1) + ($c1 < 0xdf ? 0x31 : 0x71)}]
	incr c2 [expr {- (0x60 + ($c2 < 0xe0))}]
    } else {
	set c1 [expr {($c1 >> 1) + ($c1 < 0xdf ? 0x30 : 0x70)}]
	incr c2 -2
    binary format cc $c1 $c2
proc channel-diff {fa fb} {
    set diff {}
    while {[gets $fa la] >= 0 && [gets $fb lb] >= 0} {
	if {[string compare $la $lb] == 0} continue
	# lappend diff $la $lb

	# For more readable (easy to analyze) output.
	set code [lindex $la 0]
	binary scan [lindex $la 1] H* expected
	binary scan [lindex $lb 1] H* got
	lappend diff [list $code $expected $got]
    set diff

# Create char tables.
cd [temporaryDirectory]
foreach enc {cp932 euc-jp iso2022-jp} {
    set f [open $enc.chars w]
    fconfigure $f -encoding binary
    foreach-jisx0208 code {
	puts $f [format "%04X %s" $code [gen-jisx0208-$enc $code]]
    close $f
# shiftjis == cp932 for jisx0208.
file copy -force cp932.chars shiftjis.chars

set NUM 0
foreach from {cp932 shiftjis euc-jp iso2022-jp} {
    foreach to {cp932 shiftjis euc-jp iso2022-jp} {
	test encoding-jajp-25.[incr NUM] "jisx0208 $from => $to" {
	    cd [temporaryDirectory]
	    set f [open $from.chars]
	    fconfigure $f -encoding $from
	    set out [open $from.$to.out w]
	    fconfigure $out -encoding $to
	    puts -nonewline $out [read $f]
	    close $out
	    close $f
	    # then compare $to.chars <=> $ as binary.
	    set fa [open $to.chars]
	    fconfigure $fa -encoding binary
	    set fb [open $from.$to.out]
	    fconfigure $fb -encoding binary
	    set diff [channel-diff $fa $fb]
	    close $fa
	    close $fb
	    # Difference should be empty.
	    set diff
	} {}

eval [list file delete] [glob -directory [temporaryDirectory] *.chars *.out]
# ===> Cut here <===
