Tcl Source Code

Artifact [e071ee48cb]

Artifact e071ee48cb85d07e46a9232a26398e7c3a3f600f:

Attachment "TclEmbedEx.cpp" to ticket [467505ffff] added by deech 2001-10-03 21:40:38.
// TclEmbedEx.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "tcl.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	char* test;
	int r;

	Tcl_Interp * g_interp = Tcl_CreateInterp(); 

	// For this to work you must have TCL_LIBRARY environment set
	// to the location of your TCL installation!
	r = Tcl_Init(g_interp); 
	test = Tcl_ErrnoMsg(Tcl_GetErrno());

	//VALUE OF auto_path works fine
	r = Tcl_Eval(g_interp, "puts $auto_path"); 
	if (r != TCL_OK){
		cout << "------" << endl;
		cout << Tcl_ErrnoMsg(Tcl_GetErrno()) << endl;
		cout << Tcl_GetStringResult(g_interp) << endl;
		cout << endl;

	//VALUE OF tcl_libPath works fine
	r = Tcl_Eval(g_interp, "puts $tcl_libPath"); 
	if (r != TCL_OK){
		cout << "------" << endl;
		cout << Tcl_ErrnoMsg(Tcl_GetErrno()) << endl;
		cout << Tcl_GetStringResult(g_interp) << endl;
		cout << endl;

	// VALUE OF tcl_library works fine
	r = Tcl_Eval(g_interp, "puts $tcl_library"); 
	if (r != TCL_OK){
		cout << "------" << endl;
		cout << Tcl_ErrnoMsg(Tcl_GetErrno()) << endl;
		cout << Tcl_GetStringResult(g_interp) << endl;
		cout << endl;

	//PROBLEMS START HERE - all of these seem to crash the interpreter!!!
	//r = Tcl_Eval(g_interp, "puts [info nameofexecutable]"); 
	r = Tcl_Eval(g_interp, "puts [info patchlevel]"); 
	if (r != TCL_OK){
		cout << "------" << endl;
		cout << Tcl_ErrnoMsg(Tcl_GetErrno()) << endl;
		cout << Tcl_GetStringResult(g_interp) << endl;
		cout << endl;
	return r; 