Tcl Source Code

Artifact [8e52c70faa]

Artifact 8e52c70faa4c76841d2504f0f6f81a7eb4452814:

Attachment "patch.txt" to ticket [414419ffff] added by davygrvy 2001-04-12 07:58:32.
*** generic/tclAsync.c	2000/07/26 01:28:35	1.5
--- generic/tclAsync.c	2001/04/12 00:43:10
*** 72,84 ****
      int asyncActive;
- #ifdef TCL_THREADS
      Tcl_Mutex asyncMutex;   /* Thread-specific AsyncHandler linked-list lock */
- #endif
  } ThreadSpecificData;
  static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey;
--- 72,109 ----
      int asyncActive;
      Tcl_Mutex asyncMutex;   /* Thread-specific AsyncHandler linked-list lock */
  } ThreadSpecificData;
  static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey;
+ /*
+  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *
+  * TclFinalizeAsync --
+  *
+  *	Finalizes the mutex in the thread local data structure for the
+  *	async subsystem.
+  *
+  * Results:
+  *	None.	
+  *
+  * Side effects:
+  *	Forgets knowledge of the mutex should it have been created.
+  *
+  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  */
+ void
+ TclFinalizeAsync()
+ {
+     ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = TCL_TSD_INIT(&dataKey);
+     if (tsdPtr->asyncMutex != NULL) {
+ 	Tcl_MutexFinalize(&tsdPtr->asyncMutex);
+     }
+ }

*** generic/tclEvent.c	2001/03/31 07:57:31	1.11
--- generic/tclEvent.c	2001/04/12 00:43:13
*** 907,912 ****
--- 907,913 ----
+ 	TclFinalizeAsync();
  	 * Blow away all thread local storage blocks.

*** generic/tclInt.h	2000/08/25 02:04:29	1.50
--- generic/tclInt.h	2001/04/12 00:43:20
*** 1688,1693 ****
--- 1688,1694 ----
  EXTERN void		TclFinalizeLoad _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
  EXTERN void		TclFinalizeMemorySubsystem _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
  EXTERN void		TclFinalizeNotifier _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
+ EXTERN void		TclFinalizeAsync _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
  EXTERN void		TclFinalizeSynchronization _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
  EXTERN void		TclFinalizeThreadData _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
  EXTERN void		TclFindEncodings _ANSI_ARGS_((CONST char *argv0));

*** win/tclWinThrd.c	2000/06/13 20:30:24	1.11
--- win/tclWinThrd.c	2001/04/12 00:43:24
*** 479,484 ****
--- 479,485 ----
      if (csPtr != NULL) {
+ 	DeleteCriticalSection(csPtr);
  	ckfree((char *)csPtr);
  	*mutexPtr = NULL;