Tcl Source Code

Artifact [40ec441fc6]

Artifact 40ec441fc67acfb469b35eba7bb90e732e6e77fe:

Attachment "fileeventthing.c" to ticket [412504ffff] added by andreas_kupries 2001-04-12 04:44:45.
#include <stdio.h>

int i;


	int argc;
	char *argv[];



	printf("\nThis is a program to exercise and illustrate what might possibly be a\n");
	printf("tcl fileevent bug.  It is designed to be run from an accompanying tcl\n");
	printf("script, fileeventthing-tclsh .  If you run this program directly it\n");
	printf("isn't anything very special.\n");

	printf("\nWhen fileevent (in translation mode \"auto\") sees a CR, it apparently\n");
	printf("waits to see if the next character is a LF before it proclaims EOL. It\n");
	printf("is looking one character ahead. In this way it avoids proclaiming two\n");
	printf("EOL's for one CRLF sequence.\n");

	printf("\nWould it not be better for fileevent to look one character behind\n");
	printf("instead? In this mode, when it sees a CR, it could immediately proclaim\n");
	printf("EOL. Also, when it sees a LF, immediately proclaim EOL, *unless* the\n");
	printf("previous character was CR, in which case the LF could just be\n");

	printf("\nThis program will now print out a series of numbers, 1-10, using an\n");
	printf("increment of one.  Note how long it takes to see the last number, 10,\n");
	printf("even though this program doesn't take any longer to print it out than\n");
	printf("any of the previous numbers.  This is because fileevent is waiting to\n");
	printf("see if there will be a LF after the last CR, but it never comes.\n\n");

	while ( i <= 10 ) {
		printf("\r...and the number is: %d",i);


