Tcl Source Code

Artifact [cae78d4d70]

Artifact cae78d4d70c18c1b9f30c163ba5bdbe333e76a56:

Attachment "selectbomb2.tcl" to ticket [3486554fff] added by ferrieux 2012-02-10 21:56:45.
# Program 2, the proxy (the one that exhibits bad behavior):
socket -server proxyit 12344
proc proxyit {chan ca cp} {
   fconfigure $chan -blocking 0
   set ds [socket -async localhost 12345]
   fconfigure $ds -blocking 0
   fileevent $ds readable "writeit $ds $chan"
proc writeit {ds chan} {
   puts stderr "write $ds -> $chan"
   set d [read $ds]
   if {[eof $ds]} {
       puts "eof read $ds"
       close $ds
       close $chan
   } else {
       puts stderr "not eof $ds, data = '$d'"
       puts -nonewline $chan $d
       if {[eof $chan]} {
           puts "eof puts $chan"
           close $chan
           close $ds
vwait forever