Tcl Source Code

Artifact [28276b4f1c]

Artifact 28276b4f1c5c7fc1cc52b49c8a0b11ec15bb84b4:

Attachment "http-tcl-" to ticket [3165071fff] added by anonymous 2011-01-25 11:10:04.
# -*- tcl -*-
# The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  tdom-tcl-
#  Created: 2011.01.24
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# REF: RSS Reader --


package require tdom
package require http

if { ! [ catch { package require autoproxy } ] } {


# --- load xml to temporary file

# --- this podcast feed loads OK
#set url {}

# --- this podcast feed fails to load under tcl-
set url {}
puts "URL: $url"

set file "[ clock seconds ].xml"
set out [ open $file w ]
puts "Temp file opened"

http::geturl $url -channel $out
puts "URL retrieved"

close $out
puts "Temp file created"

set channel [ tDOM::xmlOpenFile $file ]
puts "XML loaded"

set doc [ dom parse -channel $channel ]
puts "XML parsed"

chan close $channel
puts "Channel closed"

#file delete $file
#puts "Temp file deleted"
