Tcl Source Code

Artifact [8b1705c7e9]

Artifact 8b1705c7e9ebf9213e1eb990463fec73ac3ab157:

Attachment "session.txt" to ticket [3023017fff] added by andreas_kupries 2010-06-30 04:13:00.
I believe I have found a bug in 8.6 which is not in 8.5

    % glob *
    btcltkver buildno config expect4win [...]
    % glob config/*
    config/ChangeLog config/config.guess [...]
****    % file isdirectory config/*
****    1
    % file isdirectory config
    % file isdirectory config/ChangeLog
    % file isdirectory config/C*

In tcl 8.5 the **** command returns 0, which is correct.
There is no file named '*', therefore it cannot be a
directory either.

This is what trips the wrapping of the AT uninstaller in 8.6, i.e. this is the reason that the banner and other images are missing in the wrap result.

Oh, this happens only on win32. On linux it behaves correctly.

Time to bisect ...