Tcl Source Code

Artifact [43082cdd8d]

Artifact 43082cdd8daae346755db92232f82286407197bd:

Attachment "fixnl.tcl" to ticket [219409ffff] added by dkf 2001-09-10 17:03:32.
#! /usr/local/bin/tclsh

proc convert {translation file} {
    set tmp $file.fixnltmp

    set f [open $file r]
    set content [read $f]
    close $f

    # File might get shorter (if go from CRLF to LF only, for example)
    # so can't just open/read/seek/write/close, but must reopen

    set f [open $tmp w]
    fconfigure $f -translation $translation
    puts -nonewline $f $content
    close $f
    file rename $tmp $file

set translation crlf
switch -exact -- [lindex $argv 0] {
    -lf - -cr - -crlf {
	set translation [string range [lindex $argv 0] 1 end]
	set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]

foreach filename $argv {
    convert $translation $filename