Tcl Source Code

Artifact [4ec6824466]

Artifact 4ec6824466648c184a7f0124fc59f5f9282feb81:

Attachment "noBoom.c" to ticket [219355ffff] added by davygrvy 2001-05-18 06:23:41.
 * free-form code mods by David Gravereaux <[email protected]>
 * May 17, 01

#define TCL_THREADS 1
#include <tcl.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#   ifdef _DEBUG
#	pragma comment (lib, "tcl" STRINGIFY(JOIN(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION,TCL_MINOR_VERSION)) "dt.lib")
#   else
#	pragma comment (lib, "tcl" STRINGIFY(JOIN(TCL_MAJOR_VERSION,TCL_MINOR_VERSION)) "t.lib")
#   endif

#include <windows.h>

BOOL __stdcall sigHandler (DWORD fdwCtrlType);
Tcl_AsyncHandler exitToken; 
Tcl_AsyncProc asyncExit;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    Tcl_Interp* m_pInterp;

    printf( "start!\n");

    exitToken = Tcl_AsyncCreate(asyncExit, NULL);
    SetConsoleCtrlHandler(sigHandler, TRUE);

    m_pInterp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
    Tcl_Init(m_pInterp);    //no init errors!

    /* do work here */


    printf( "close the window!\n");
    getchar();    //at this pause we click the 'x' on the console.
    return 0;

 * asyncExit -- 
 *	The AsyncProc for the exitToken. 
 * Results: 
 *	doesn't actually return. 
 * Side effects: 
 *	tclsh cleanly exits. 

asyncExit (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int code) 

    /* NOTREACHED */ 
    return code; 

 * sigHandler -- 
 *	Signal handler for the Win32 OS. Catches Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Break and 
 *	other exits. This is needed so tclsh can do it's real clean-up 
 *	and not an unclean crash terminate. 
 * Results: 
 *	TRUE. 
 * Side effects: 
 *	effects the way the app exits from a signal. This is an 
 *	operating system supplied thread and unsafe to call ANY 
 *	Tcl commands except for Tcl_AsyncMark. 

BOOL __stdcall
sigHandler (DWORD fdwCtrlType) 
     * If Tcl is currently executing some bytecode or in the eventloop, 
     * this will cause Tcl to enter asyncExit at the next command 
     * boundry.  This is protected in Win32 SEH to ensure mutex access
     * will not cause an exception should Tcl_Finalize() have already
     * cleaned-up the async subsystem.
    __try {
	/* ignore exceptions */

     * This will cause Tcl_Gets in Tcl_Main() to drop-out with an <EOF> 
     * should it be blocked on input and our Tcl_AsyncMark didn't grab 
     * the attention of the interpreter. 

    /* indicate to the OS not to call the default terminator */ 
    return TRUE; 