Tcl Source Code

Artifact [611317c285]

Artifact 611317c285697dbc2365493fbdb2e68ea6a59455:

Attachment "diff.txt" to ticket [2130388fff] added by nijtmans 2008-09-26 22:38:04.
***	Mon Aug 18 05:35:28 2008
---	Fri Sep 26 17:20:08 2008
*** 2126,2131 ****
--- 2126,2150 ----
  	if {$scriptCompare} {
  	    puts [outputChannel] "---- Error testing result: $scriptMatch"
  	} else {
+ 	    if {[string range $actualAnswer 0 7] == [string range $result 0 7]} {
+ 		set p 8
+ 		while {[string index $actualAnswer $p] == [string index $result $p]} {
+ 		    incr p
+ 		}
+ 		incr p -3
+ 		set actualAnswer "...[string range $actualAnswer $p end]"
+ 		set result "...[string range $result $p end]"
+ 	    }
+ 	    if {[string range $actualAnswer end-7 end] == [string range $result end-7 end]} {
+ 		set p [expr {[string length $actualAnswer]-8}]
+ 		set q [expr {[string length $result]-8}]
+ 		while {[string index $actualAnswer $p] == [string index $result $q]} {
+ 		    incr p -1
+ 		    incr q -1
+ 		}
+ 		set actualAnswer "[string range $actualAnswer 0 [expr {$p+3}]]..."
+ 		set result "[string range $result 0 [expr {$q+3}]]..."
+ 	    }
  	    puts [outputChannel] "---- Result was:\n$actualAnswer"
  	    puts [outputChannel] "---- Result should have been\
  		    ($match matching):\n$result"