Tcl Source Code

Artifact [e4401ce30d]

Artifact e4401ce30d9d6b7b94660198c88dd1f47861093e:

Attachment "tcl-8.5a5-findlibrary.patch" to ticket [1655677fff] added by wart 2007-02-09 08:38:45.
--- tcl8.5a5/library/auto.tcl.orig	2007-02-08 17:03:44.000000000 -0800
+++ tcl8.5a5/library/auto.tcl	2007-02-08 17:04:03.000000000 -0800
@@ -85,6 +85,13 @@
 	    lappend dirs $value
+        # 2a. As a sibling of Tcl's script directory
+        if {[catch {
+            ::tcl::pkgconfig get scriptdir,runtime
+        } value] == 0} {
+            lappend dirs [file join [file dirname $value] $basename$version]
+        }
 	# 3. Relative to auto_path directories.  This checks relative to the
 	# Tcl library as well as allowing loading of libraries added to the
 	# auto_path that is not relative to the core library or binary paths.