8: uplevel 1 {::tcl::clock::format 1334679322 -timezon...} 9: ::tcl::clock::format 1334679322 -timezone :Africa/Windhoek 10: variable FormatProc 10: variable TZData 10: ParseFormatArgs 1334679322 -timezone :Africa/Windhoek 10: lassign {{%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y} C :Africa/Wind...} format locale timezone 10: string tolower C 11: ::tcl::string::tolower C 10: set locale c 10: lindex {1334679322 -timezone :Africa/Windhoek} 0 10: set clockval 1334679322 10: if {$timezone eq ""} {\n set timezone [GetSystemTimeZone]\n } 10: if {![info exists TZData($timezone)]} {\n if {[catch {SetupTimeZone $timezone} r...} 10: info exists TZData(:Africa/Windhoek) 11: ::tcl::info::exists TZData(:Africa/Windhoek) 11: if {[catch {SetupTimeZone $timezone} retval ...} {\n dict unset opts -errorinfo\n re...} 11: catch {SetupTimeZone $timezone} retval opts 12: SetupTimeZone :Africa/Windhoek 13: variable TZData 13: if {! [info exists TZData($timezone)] } {\n variable MINWIDE\n if { $timezone eq {:...} 13: info exists TZData(:Africa/Windhoek) 14: ::tcl::info::exists TZData(:Africa/Windhoek) 14: variable MINWIDE 14: if { $timezone eq {:localtime} } {\n\n # Nothing to do, we'll convert us...} elseif { [regexp {^([-+])(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(...} {\n\n # Make a fixed offset\n\n ::sca...} elseif { [string index $timezone 0] eq {:} } {\n \n # Convert using a time zone ...} elseif { ![catch {ParsePosixTimeZone $timezone} ...} {\n \n # This looks like a POSIX ti...} else {\n\n # We couldn't parse this as a POS...} 14: regexp ^([-+])(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)? :Africa/Windhoek -> s hh mm ss 14: string index :Africa/Windhoek 0 15: ::tcl::string::index :Africa/Windhoek 0 15: if { \n [catch {\n LoadTimeZoneFile [str...} {\n return -code error -errorcode [list ...} 15: catch {\n LoadTimeZoneFile [string range $t...} 16: string range :Africa/Windhoek 1 end 17: ::tcl::string::range :Africa/Windhoek 1 end 16: LoadTimeZoneFile Africa/Windhoek 17: variable DataDir 17: variable TZData 17: if { [info exists TZData($fileName)] } {\n return\n } 17: info exists TZData(Africa/Windhoek) 18: ::tcl::info::exists TZData(Africa/Windhoek) 17: if { ![regexp {^[[.-.][:alpha:]_]+(?:/[[.-.]...} {\n return -code error -errorcode [list C...} 17: regexp ^[[.-.][:alpha:]_]+(?:/[[.-.][:alpha:]_]... Africa/Windhoek 17: if { [catch {\n source -encoding utf-8 [file ...} {\n return -code error -errorcode [list C...} 17: catch {\n source -encoding utf-8 [file join $Dat...} 18: file join /usr/local/lib/tcl8.5/tzdata Africa/Windhoek 18: source -encoding utf-8 /usr/local/lib/tcl8.5/tzdata/Africa/Wind... 18: list CLOCK badTimeZone :Africa/Windhoek 18: return -code error -errorcode {CLOCK badTimeZone :Africa/Windhoek} {time zone ":Africa/Windhoek" not found} 15: catch {\n LoadZoneinfoFile [string range $t...} 16: string range :Africa/Windhoek 1 end 17: ::tcl::string::range :Africa/Windhoek 1 end 16: LoadZoneinfoFile Africa/Windhoek 17: variable ZoneinfoPaths 17: if { ![regexp {^[[.-.][:alpha:]_]+(?:/[[.-.]...} {\n return -code error -errorcode [list C...} 17: regexp ^[[.-.][:alpha:]_]+(?:/[[.-.][:alpha:]_]... Africa/Windhoek 17: foreach d /usr/share/zoneinfo {\n set fname [file join $d $fileName]\n if...} 18: file join /usr/share/zoneinfo Africa/Windhoek 18: set fname /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Windhoek 18: if { [file readable $fname] && [file isfile ...} {\n break\n } 18: file readable /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Windhoek 18: file isfile /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Windhoek 19: break 17: ReadZoneinfoFile Africa/Windhoek /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Windhoek 18: variable MINWIDE 18: variable TZData 18: if { ![info exists fname] } {\n return -code error "$fileName not foun...} 18: info exists fname 19: ::tcl::info::exists fname 18: if { [file size $fname] > 262144 } {\n return -code error "$fileName too big"...} 18: file size /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Windhoek 18: open /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Windhoek r 18: set f file3 18: fconfigure file3 -translation binary 18: read file3 18: set d TZif2???????????????????????????????????... 18: close file3 18: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... a4a1x15IIIIII magic version nIsGMT nIsStd nLeap nTime nType nChar 18: set seek 44 18: set ilen 4 18: set iformat I 18: if { $magic != {TZif} } {\n return -code error "$fileName not a ti...} 18: if { $nType > 255 } {\n return -code error "$fileName contains...} 18: if { $nLeap != 0 } {\n return -code error "$fileName contains...} 18: if {$version eq "2"} {\n set seek [expr {44\n + 5 * $nTime \n ...} 19: expr {44\n + 5 * $nTime \n + 6 * $nType \n ...} 19: set seek 571 19: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @571a4a1x15IIIIII magic version nIsGMT nIsStd nLeap nTime nType nChar 19: if {$magic ne {TZif}} {\n return -code error "seek address $...} 19: set iformat W 19: set ilen 8 19: incr seek 44 18: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @615W93c93 times tempCodes 18: expr { ($ilen + 1) * $nTime } 18: incr seek 837 18: linsert {-2458170504 -2109288600 -860976000 -8452...} 0 -9223372036854775808 18: set times {-9223372036854775808 -2458170504 -210928...} 18: set codes {} 18: foreach c {1 2 3 2 4 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 ...} {\n lappend codes [expr { $c & 0xff }]\n ...} 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 1 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 2 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 3 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 2 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 4 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 6 19: expr { $c & 0xff } 19: lappend codes 5 18: linsert {1 2 3 2 4 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 ...} 0 0 18: set codes {0 1 2 3 2 4 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 ...} 18: for { set i 0 } { $i < $nType } { incr i } {\n binary scan $d @${seek}Icc gmtOff isDs...} 19: set i 0 19: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @1452Icc gmtOff isDst abbrInd 19: list 4104 0 0 19: lappend types {4104 0 0} 19: incr seek 6 19: incr i 19: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @1458Icc gmtOff isDst abbrInd 19: list 5400 0 4 19: lappend types {5400 0 4} 19: incr seek 6 19: incr i 19: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @1464Icc gmtOff isDst abbrInd 19: list 7200 0 9 19: lappend types {7200 0 9} 19: incr seek 6 19: incr i 19: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @1470Icc gmtOff isDst abbrInd 19: list 10800 1 9 19: lappend types {10800 1 9} 19: incr seek 6 19: incr i 19: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @1476Icc gmtOff isDst abbrInd 19: list 7200 0 14 19: lappend types {7200 0 14} 19: incr seek 6 19: incr i 19: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @1482Icc gmtOff isDst abbrInd 19: list 7200 1 18 19: lappend types {7200 1 18} 19: incr seek 6 19: incr i 19: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @1488Icc gmtOff isDst abbrInd 19: list 3600 0 5 19: lappend types {3600 0 5} 19: incr seek 6 19: incr i 18: binary scan TZif2???????????????????????????????????... @1494a23 abbrs 18: incr seek 23 18: split LMT??SWAT??SAST??CAT??WAST?? ?? 18: set abbrList {LMT SWAT SAST CAT WAST {}} 18: set i 0 18: set abbrevs {} 18: foreach a {LMT SWAT SAST CAT WAST {}} {\n dict set abbrevs $i $a\n incr i [expr {...} 19: dict set abbrevs 0 LMT 20: ::tcl::dict::set abbrevs 0 LMT 19: expr { [string length $a] + 1 } 19: string length LMT 20: ::tcl::string::length LMT 19: incr i 4 19: dict set abbrevs 4 SWAT 20: ::tcl::dict::set abbrevs 4 SWAT 19: expr { [string length $a] + 1 } 19: string length SWAT 20: ::tcl::string::length SWAT 19: incr i 5 19: dict set abbrevs 9 SAST 20: ::tcl::dict::set abbrevs 9 SAST 19: expr { [string length $a] + 1 } 19: string length SAST 20: ::tcl::string::length SAST 19: incr i 5 19: dict set abbrevs 14 CAT 20: ::tcl::dict::set abbrevs 14 CAT 19: expr { [string length $a] + 1 } 19: string length CAT 20: ::tcl::string::length CAT 19: incr i 4 19: dict set abbrevs 18 WAST 20: ::tcl::dict::set abbrevs 18 WAST 19: expr { [string length $a] + 1 } 19: string length WAST 20: ::tcl::string::length WAST 19: incr i 5 19: dict set abbrevs 23 {} 20: ::tcl::dict::set abbrevs 23 {} 19: expr { [string length $a] + 1 } 19: string length {} 20: ::tcl::string::length {} 19: incr i 1 18: set r {} 18: set lastTime -9223372036854775808 18: foreach t {-9223372036854775808 -2458170504 -210928...} c {0 1 2 3 2 4 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 ...} {\n if { $t < $lastTime } {\n return -c...} 19: if { $t < $lastTime } {\n return -code error "$fileName has ...} 19: set lastTime -9223372036854775808 19: lindex {{4104 0 0} {5400 0 4} {7200 0 9} {10800 ...} 0 19: lassign {4104 0 0} gmtoff isDst abbrInd 19: dict get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 0 20: ::tcl::dict::get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 0 19: set abbrev LMT 19: list -9223372036854775808 4104 0 LMT 19: lappend r {-9223372036854775808 4104 0 LMT} 19: if { $t < $lastTime } {\n return -code error "$fileName has ...} 19: set lastTime -2458170504 19: lindex {{4104 0 0} {5400 0 4} {7200 0 9} {10800 ...} 1 19: lassign {5400 0 4} gmtoff isDst abbrInd 19: dict get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 4 20: ::tcl::dict::get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 4 19: set abbrev SWAT 19: list -2458170504 5400 0 SWAT 19: lappend r {-2458170504 5400 0 SWAT} 19: if { $t < $lastTime } {\n return -code error "$fileName has ...} 19: set lastTime -2109288600 19: lindex {{4104 0 0} {5400 0 4} {7200 0 9} {10800 ...} 2 19: lassign {7200 0 9} gmtoff isDst abbrInd 19: dict get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 9 20: ::tcl::dict::get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 9 19: set abbrev SAST 19: list -2109288600 7200 0 SAST 19: lappend r {-2109288600 7200 0 SAST} 19: if { $t < $lastTime } {\n return -code error "$fileName has ...} 19: set lastTime -860976000 19: lindex {{4104 0 0} {5400 0 4} {7200 0 9} {10800 ...} 3 19: lassign {10800 1 9} gmtoff isDst abbrInd 19: dict get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 9 20: ::tcl::dict::get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 9 19: set abbrev SAST 19: list -860976000 10800 1 SAST 19: lappend r {-860976000 10800 1 SAST} 19: if { $t < $lastTime } {\n return -code error "$fileName has ...} 19: set lastTime -845254800 19: lindex {{4104 0 0} {5400 0 4} {7200 0 9} {10800 ...} 2 19: lassign {7200 0 9} gmtoff isDst abbrInd 19: dict get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 9 20: ::tcl::dict::get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 9 19: set abbrev SAST 19: list -845254800 7200 0 SAST 19: lappend r {-845254800 7200 0 SAST} 19: if { $t < $lastTime } {\n return -code error "$fileName has ...} 19: set lastTime 637970400 19: lindex {{4104 0 0} {5400 0 4} {7200 0 9} {10800 ...} 4 19: lassign {7200 0 14} gmtoff isDst abbrInd 19: dict get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 14 20: ::tcl::dict::get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 14 19: set abbrev CAT 19: list 637970400 7200 0 CAT 19: lappend r {637970400 7200 0 CAT} 19: if { $t < $lastTime } {\n return -code error "$fileName has ...} 19: set lastTime 765324000 19: lindex {{4104 0 0} {5400 0 4} {7200 0 9} {10800 ...} 6 19: lassign {3600 0 5} gmtoff isDst abbrInd 19: dict get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 5 20: ::tcl::dict::get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 5 key "5" not known in dictionary while evaluating {dict get {0 LMT 4 SWAT 9 SAST 14 CAT 18 WAST 23 {}} 5} 16: list CLOCK badTimeZone :Africa/Windhoek 16: return -code error -errorcode {CLOCK badTimeZone :Africa/Windhoek} {time zone ":Africa/Windhoek" not found} 12: dict unset opts -errorinfo 13: ::tcl::dict::unset opts -errorinfo 12: return -options {-errorcode {CLOCK badTimeZone :Africa/Wi...} {time zone ":Africa/Windhoek" not found} 4: if 1 {\n puts stderr $::tclreadline::errorMsg\n...} 5: puts stderr {time zone ":Africa/Windhoek" not found} time zone ":Africa/Windhoek" not found 5: list while evaluating {clock format [clock seconds] -timezone :...} 5: puts stderr {while evaluating {clock format [clock se...} while evaluating {clock format [clock seconds] -timezone :Africa/Windhoek} 5: info exists tcl_prompt2 6: ::tcl::info::exists tcl_prompt2 4: if 0 {\n set prompt2 $tcl_prompt2\n } else {\n set prompt2 ">"\n } 5: set prompt2 > 5: if {[catch {\n if {"" != [namespace eval ::t...} {\n puts stderr [list tclreadline::Loop: ...} 5: catch {\n if {"" != [namespace eval ::tclreadli...} ::tclreadline::errorMsg 6: if {"" != [namespace eval ::tclreadline {inf...} {\n set LINE [::tclreadline::readline...} else {\n set LINE [::tclreadline::readline...} 6: namespace eval ::tclreadline {info procs prompt1} 7: info procs prompt1 8: ::tcl::info::procs prompt1 7: ::tclreadline::prompt1 8: variable prompt_string 8: global env 8: if {[catch {set pwd [pwd]} tmp]} {\n set pwd "unable to get pwd"\n } 8: catch {set pwd [pwd]} tmp 9: pwd 9: set pwd /usr/home/jeff.lawson 8: info exists env(HOME) 9: ::tcl::info::exists env(HOME) 8: if 1 {\n regsub $env(HOME) $pwd "~" pwd\n ...} 9: regsub /home/jeff.lawson /usr/home/jeff.lawson ~ pwd 8: return {tclsh8.5 [/usr~]} 7: ::tclreadline::readline read {tclsh8.5 [/usr~]} tclsh8.5 [/usr~]