Tk Source Code

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Ticket UUID: deb6cddecf55c6921281f8f855b6b366aed6467e
Title: tk 8.6.4 on mac osX 10.9 is inaccessible
Type: Bug Version: 8.6.4
Submitter: anonymous Created on: 2015-03-25 20:26:22
Subsystem: 66. Aqua Window Operations Assigned To: kevin_walzer
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Important
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2017-04-30 22:26:11
Resolution: Wont Fix Closed By: kevin_walzer
    Closed on: 2017-04-30 22:26:11
I compiled tcl 8.6.4 and tk 8.6.4 on mac OSX 10.9, and, using voice over ( a screen reader on the mac), the window seems inaccessible. I tested with a simple program (reproduced below), and it shows no buttons except the standard mac OS zoom, minimize, and close.

 #! /bin/env tclsh
 package require Tk
 button .b -text {Push Me} -command {tk_messageBox -message {hello, world}}
 pack .b

If this could be fixed that would be great, as I am hoping to use tcl/tk in a cross-platform game engine aimed mainly at the blind.
User Comments: kevin_walzer added on 2015-03-25 21:52:05:
Tk does not support screen readers on any platform.

Accessibility is actually a huge topic. It requires a large implementation across three different API's (Apple's NSAccessability API, Windows' MSAA, and AT-SPI on Unix). It would take hundreds of hours at a minimum to implement and test even a basic implementation for Tk: this would easily be the largest addition to Tk since the themed Tk widgets, which came 10 years ago. 

This is one area where Tk is sorely lacking; most other cross-platform toolkits (Java and Qt, in particular) support accessibility. However, the resources required to implement this in Tk are enormous, and it is not surprising that no one has stepped forward to take on the task. 

If you have immediate needs, you are probably better off choosing another toolkit for your project.