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Ticket UUID: 7f5d41c73ce2a33560e532b7dcb84c9b0e2e29c3
Title: TCL fails on Check phase
Type: Bug Version: 8.6.4
Submitter: anonymous Created on: 2017-02-23 03:50:10
Subsystem: 84. Unix Build Assigned To: nobody
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Important
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2017-02-23 08:48:58
Resolution: Invalid Closed By: oehhar
    Closed on: 2017-02-23 08:48:58
I´m trying to build 'tcl' version 8.6.4 on GNU/Hurd system through Guix package manager, in the 'Check' phase stops.

Any ideas about what's going on?


==== socket_inet-13.1 Testing use of shared socket between two threads FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    # create a thread
    set serverthread [thread::create -preserved [string map [list @localhost@ $localhost] {
        set f [socket -server accept -myaddr @localhost@ 0]
        set listen [lindex [fconfigure $f -sockname] 2]
        proc accept {s a p} {
            fileevent $s readable [list echo $s]
            fconfigure $s -buffering line
        proc echo {s} {
             global i
             set l [gets $s]
             if {[eof $s]} {
                 global x
                 close $s
                 set x done
             } else {
                 incr i
                 puts $s $l
        set i 0
        vwait x
        close $f
    set port [thread::send $serverthread {set listen}]
    set s [socket $localhost $port]
    fconfigure $s -buffering line
    catch {
        puts $s "hello"
        gets $s result
    close $s
    thread::release $serverthread
    append result " " [llength [thread::names]]

---- Test generated error; Return code was: 1
---- Return code should have been one of: 0 2
---- errorInfo: thread "tid0x4" does not exist
    while executing
"thread::release $serverthread"
    ("uplevel" body line 34)
    invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $script"
---- errorCode: NONE
==== socket_inet-13.1 FAILED

==== socket_inet6-3.1 socket conflict FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    socket -server accept -myaddr $localhost $listen

---- Test completed normally; Return code was: 0
---- Return code should have been one of: 1
==== socket_inet6-3.1 FAILED

==== socket_inet6-11.6 socket conflict FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    set s2 [socket -server accept -myaddr $localhost [getPort $s1]]
    list [getPort $s2] [close $s2]

---- Test completed normally; Return code was: 0
---- Return code should have been one of: 1
==== socket_inet6-11.6 FAILED

User Comments: oehhar added on 2017-02-23 08:48:58:

Thank you for reporting. Moved to TCL tracker here:
