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Ticket UUID: 2cf3d6942c75aca1a90e32bbf7fbe8a7f06ac43d
Title: Test button-5.24 ConfigureButton - computing geometry fails on Linux
Type: Bug Version: core-8-6-branch
Submitter: fvogel Created on: 2016-08-19 21:37:41
Subsystem: 03. [*button] and [label] Assigned To: fvogel
Priority: 6 Severity: Minor
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2016-08-29 18:04:29
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: fvogel
    Closed on: 2016-08-29 18:04:29
==== button-5.24 ConfigureButton - computing geometry FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    button .b -borderwidth 2 -highlightthickness 2 -font {Helvetica -12 bold}
    .b configure -text "Sample text" -width 10 -height 2
    pack .b
    set result "[winfo reqwidth .b] [winfo reqheight .b]"
    .b configure -bitmap questhead
    lappend result [winfo reqwidth .b] [winfo reqheight .b]

---- Result was:
102 46 20 12
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
104 46 20 12
==== button-5.24 FAILED

Linux Debian 8 with core-8-6-branch.
Always repeatable.
User Comments: fvogel added on 2016-08-29 18:04:29:
Fix merged to trunk and core-8-6-branch.

fvogel added on 2016-08-23 18:30:54:

Thinking further:

Problem 1 can be easily overcome by setting -padx and -pady to a value in pixels.

Problem 2 is not a problem: the off-by-2 is intentional in tkUnixButton.c --> just add this to the expected size result.

I have now made a hopefully better test that solves the above and computes the expected sizes of the button in the two cases tested by button-5.24 (i.e. purely text button, and purely image button). See [a6f3ed76].

fvogel added on 2016-08-20 20:31:53:

About computing he expected size with font measure and font metrics:

Regarding width, as a starting point, I came up with the following:

    set textwidth [font measure [.b cget -font] -displayof .b [.b cget -text]]
    set paddingXpixels [expr {3 * [winfo screenwidth .b]/[winfo screenmmwidth .b]}]
    set expectedwidth [expr {$textwidth + 2*[.b cget -borderwidth] + 2*[.b cget -highlightthickness] + 2*$paddingXpixels}]

There are 2 problems with this:

1. The hardcoded 3 in the calculation of paddingXpixels is because [.b cget -padx] returns "3m" for me, i.e. a distance on screen in millimeters. Is it always the case, or should the test consider all the possibilities of Tk_GetPixels (i.e. pixels, centimeters, millimeters, inches, and printer's points) ? This would become rather convoluted...

2. The calculation above is still off by 2 compared to the size computed by Tk. Why?

All in all, considering that the test is constrainted by 'font', I think the hardcoded widths and heights of the button are good enough for the test purpose.

dkf added on 2016-08-20 15:20:07:

Your changes look reasonable. Using the verified font is the right approach (but so also would be computing the expected size with font measure and font metrics, though that's technically testing something slightly different).

fvogel added on 2016-08-19 21:43:28:
Fix proposed in branch bug-2cf3d6942c