Tk Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: a986b835c3ab608ee3c114e67dffa40ab6d47478
Ticket: 39e510f69e6e641894d24582c61ba0c99ab21799
Revised [text]: textDisp-27.7.2 segfaults on OS X
User & Date: fvogel 2017-05-29 18:00:37

  1. icomment:
    As of current state of revised_text branch, it does no longer crash, but it spits :
    bll-mac:tk fvogel$ /Users/fvogel/Documents/tcltk/fossil/build/tk/Deployment/wish
    % text .t
    % .t tag configure big -font {Helvetica -24}
    {-background {} {} {} {}} {-bgstipple {} {} {} {}} {-borderwidth {} {} 0 {}} {-elide {} {} 0 {}} {-eolcolor {} {} {} {}} {-fgstipple {} {} {} {}} {-font {} {} {} {}} {-foreground {} {} {} {}} {-hyphencolor {} {} {} {}} {-hyphenrules {} {} {} {}} {-inactivebackground {} {} {} {}} {-inactiveforeground {} {} {} {}} {-inactiveselectbackground {} {} {} {}} {-inactiveselectforeground {} {} {} {}} {-indentbackground {} {} 0 {}} {-justify {} {} {} {}} {-lang {} {} {} {}} {-lmargin1 {} {} {} {}} {-lmargin2 {} {} {} {}} {-lmargincolor {} {} {} {}} {-offset {} {} {} {}} {-overstrike {} {} {} {}} {-overstrikecolor {} {} {} {}} {-overstrikefg -overstrikecolor} {-relief {} {} {} {}} {-rmargin {} {} {} {}} {-rmargincolor {} {} {} {}} {-selectbackground {} {} {} {}} {-selectforeground {} {} {} {}} {-spacing1 {} {} {} {}} {-spacing2 {} {} {} {}} {-spacing3 {} {} {} {}} {-tabs {} {} {} {}} {-tabstyle {} {} {} {}} {-underline {} {} {} {}} {-underlinecolor {} {} {} {}} {-underlinefg -underlinecolor} {-undo {} {} 1 1} {-wrap {} {} {} {}}
    That is: it apparently spits what would be the output of the configure command for a newly created tag, e.g.:
      .t tag configure foobar
  2. login: "fvogel"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-wiki"