Tk Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 00bf4c0e401bba7957aee42023b10a7466eb4e94
Ticket: 1dc430ad598bd5bedc8d8c82478ff5c8c8991e8c
Cursor blink rate in [text] widgets doesn't match Windows settings
User & Date: MG 2016-12-06 22:12:13

  1. icomment:
    <p>Happy to defer to your perception there, probably more reliable than mine. And agreed, best to have Tk check the system setting on startup and use the value at that time as its own default; checking for changes to the system setting later is probably overkill. </p>
    <p>WRT other widgets.. label et al don't support the option(s) like the text widget does; I have no idea how they currently get their on/off flash times, whether it's fixed or does check the option internally but can't be configured per widget, etc. But having them all mirror the initial setting for the text widget would be nice.</p>
    <p>My experience poking around in Linux WMs is very limited, but doesn't leave me with much hope of finding a useful API call for anything across them all, especially something relatively minor like this. As for MacOS, the most relevant thing I can find is the <code>NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriod</code> option (for versions < 10.8; for 10.9 and higher it's apparantly <code>NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriodOn</code> and <code>NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriodOff</code>, all in milliseconds). <a href="">eclipse</a> has an example of getting the value.
  2. login: "MG"
  3. mimetype: "text/html"