Tk Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: ccba653749a014cbc90b9241f89cc8def3b24febdea078aedae41049f70ac2e9
Ticket: b947864419c55e7278b87fcc9d701a914cb7914a
clipboard-4.1, -4.2, -4.4 fail on macOS
User & Date: fvogel 2018-07-08 20:20:14

  1. assignee changed to: "fvogel"
  2. icomment:
    All these three tests fail because the last statement <b>"clipboard get"</b> returns an empty string instead of the expected error <b>"CLIPBOARD selection doesn't exist or form "STRING" not defined"</b>.
    An instrumented interactive test session provides some insight:
    % clipboard clear
    TkClipInit: clipboardActive set to FALSE
    Tk_ClipboardClear: clipboardActive is FALSE
    XSetSelectionOwner: clipboardActive is FALSE, changing owner
    Tk_ClipboardClear: clipboardActive set to TRUE
    % clipboard append Test
    Tk_ClipboardAppend: clipboardActive is TRUE
    % selection clear -selection CLIPBOARD
    XSetSelectionOwner: clipboardActive is TRUE
    ClipboardLostSel: clipboardActive set to FALSE
    % puts "!![clipboard get]!!"
    Tk_GetSelection: entering
    Tk_GetSelection: selection owned by some other process
    TkSelGetSelection: entering
    tkProvidePasteboard: clipboardActive is FALSE
    TkSelGetSelection: before calling proc, string is !!!!
    <i>(Note that testing this clipboard feature is prone to errors: you must either run the test from the test suite, or type everything by hand (as opposed to copy/pasting) otherwise the clipboard soon gets mangled by the test of the pasted commands).</i>
    From the above log I think that testing dispPtr->clipboardActive is missing in the macOS version of TkSelGetSelection, which is therefore my fix proposal [b4c5f163].
    With this patch clipboard-4.[124] no longer fail on macOS.
  3. login: "fvogel"
  4. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-wiki"
  5. resolution changed to: "Fixed"