Tk Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 703a5a1f54e01ea9276a90fb2e99f22d1a548e5b80595aed5e2611f628278410
Ticket: 185c8557d95794af74be5e3bc8609684e23e7af9
mac os x: wm overrideredict causes window to disappear...
User & Date: marc_culler 2018-12-07 15:50:31

  1. icomment:
    I agree that wm-stackorder-5.2 (and wm-stackorder-6.1) should be flagged as
    inappropriate for Aqua.  As far as I can tell, the stacking restrictions
    that they are checking for are:
    * not required by the language specification
    * not useful in the typical applications of overrideredirect windows
    * not natural in the context of Apple's window manager (because *all* NSWindows
      appear in the stacking order and can be reordered)
    * implementable at the script level if really needed.
    I suspect that this is just a quirky behavior of some X11 window managers which
    some people came to expect, but which is mostly irrelevant to applications.
    I am going to commit this change to the bugfix branch, before I forget about it.
    We can revisit it before merging, if something comes up.
  2. login: "marc_culler"
  3. mimetype: "text/plain"
  4. username: "Marc Culler"