Tk Source Code

Artifact [ef930875]

Artifact ef9308752728294cdf14188b34214549b16fc1f0e951eb6e85417443712c478c:

Attachment "atom-pair.patch" to ticket [73ba07ef] added by dpb 2017-08-22 19:55:12. (unpublished)
Index: generic/tkInt.h
--- generic/tkInt.h
+++ generic/tkInt.h
@@ -421,10 +421,11 @@
     Atom compoundTextAtom;	/* Atom for COMPOUND_TEXT. */
     Atom applicationAtom;	/* Atom for TK_APPLICATION. */
     Atom windowAtom;		/* Atom for TK_WINDOW. */
     Atom clipboardAtom;		/* Atom for CLIPBOARD. */
     Atom utf8Atom;		/* Atom for UTF8_STRING. */
+    Atom atomPairAtom;		/* Atom for ATOM_PAIR. */
     Tk_Window clipWindow;	/* Window used for clipboard ownership and to
 				 * retrieve selections between processes. NULL
 				 * means clipboard info hasn't been
 				 * initialized. */

Index: generic/tkSelect.c
--- generic/tkSelect.c
+++ generic/tkSelect.c
@@ -1183,10 +1183,11 @@
     dispPtr->textAtom		= Tk_InternAtom(tkwin, "TEXT");
     dispPtr->compoundTextAtom	= Tk_InternAtom(tkwin, "COMPOUND_TEXT");
     dispPtr->applicationAtom	= Tk_InternAtom(tkwin, "TK_APPLICATION");
     dispPtr->windowAtom		= Tk_InternAtom(tkwin, "TK_WINDOW");
     dispPtr->clipboardAtom	= Tk_InternAtom(tkwin, "CLIPBOARD");
+    dispPtr->atomPairAtom	= Tk_InternAtom(tkwin, "ATOM_PAIR");
      * Using UTF8_STRING instead of the XA_UTF8_STRING macro allows us to
      * support older X servers that didn't have UTF8_STRING yet. This is
      * necessary on Unix systems. For more information, see:

Index: unix/tkUnixSelect.c
--- unix/tkUnixSelect.c
+++ unix/tkUnixSelect.c
@@ -870,11 +870,11 @@
 	incr.multAtoms = NULL;
 	if (eventPtr->property == None) {
 	    goto refuse;
 	result = XGetWindowProperty(eventPtr->display, eventPtr->requestor,
-		eventPtr->property, 0, MAX_PROP_WORDS, False, XA_ATOM,
+		eventPtr->property, 0, MAX_PROP_WORDS, False, winPtr->dispPtr->atomPairAtom,
 		&type, &format, &incr.numConversions, &bytesAfter,
 		(unsigned char **) multAtomsPtr);
 	if ((result != Success) || (bytesAfter != 0) || (format != 32)
 		|| (type == None)) {
 	    if (incr.multAtoms != NULL) {
@@ -1033,11 +1033,11 @@
 	incr.nextPtr = tsdPtr->pendingIncrs;
 	tsdPtr->pendingIncrs = &incr;
     if (multiple) {
 	XChangeProperty(reply.xsel.display, reply.xsel.requestor,
-, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
+, winPtr->dispPtr->atomPairAtom, 32, PropModeReplace,
 		(unsigned char *) incr.multAtoms,
 		(int) incr.numConversions*2);
     } else {
 	 * Not a MULTIPLE request. The first property in "multAtoms" got set