Tk Source Code

Artifact [3f3ab0b9]

Artifact 3f3ab0b958ef526f0bdc4658f3de25bafbda4c53:

Attachment "textDisp.test.diff" to ticket [72e9ddba] added by bll 2017-06-26 02:58:34. (unpublished)
--- tests/textDisp.test
+++ tests/textDisp.test
@@ -48,10 +48,15 @@
 set fixedWidth [font measure $fixedFont m]
 # 12 on XP
 set fixedAscent [font metrics $fixedFont -ascent]
 set fixedDiff [expr {$fixedHeight - 13}] ;# 2 on XP
+set bigFixedFont {"Courier New" -24}
+set bigFixedWidth [font measure $bigFixedFont m]
+set bigFixedHeight [font metrics $bigFixedFont -linespace]
+set bigFixedAscent [font metrics $bigFixedFont -ascent]
 set varFont {Times -14}
 # 16 on XP, 15 on Solaris 8
 set varHeight [font metrics $varFont -linespace]
 # 13 on XP
 set varAscent [font metrics $varFont -ascent]
@@ -65,12 +70,21 @@
 set ascentDiff [expr {$bigAscent - $fixedAscent}]
 text .t -font $fixedFont -width 20 -height 10 -yscrollcommand scroll
 pack .t -expand 1 -fill both
 .t tag configure big -font $bigFont
+.t tag configure bigfix -font $bigFixedFont
 .t debug on
 wm geometry . {}
+set padx [lindex [.t configure -padx] 4]
+incr padx [lindex [.t configure -highlightthickness] 4]
+set borderwidth [lindex [.t configure -borderwidth] 4]
+incr padx $borderwidth
+set pady [lindex [.t configure -pady] 4]
+incr pady [lindex [.t configure -highlightthickness] 4]
+incr pady $borderwidth
 # The statements below reset the main window;  it's needed if the window
 # manager is mwm to make mwm forget about a previous minimum size setting.
 wm withdraw .
@@ -519,20 +533,33 @@
     .t delete 1.0 end
     .t insert 1.0 "a\tx\tabc"
     .t bbox 1.4
 } [list 117 5 7 $fixedHeight]
-test textDisp-3.1 {different character sizes} {textfonts} {
+test textDisp-3.1 {different character sizes} {
     .t configure -wrap word
     .t delete 1.0 end
     .t insert end "Some sample text, including both large\n"
     .t insert end "characters and\nsmall\n"
     .t insert end "abc\nd\ne\nfghij"
-    .t tag add big 1.5 1.10
-    .t tag add big 2.11 2.14
+    .t tag add bigfix 1.5 1.10
+    .t tag add bigfix 2.11 2.14
+    # Mac OS X fails [.t bbox 1.6] as it returns 14 for the bbox width,
+    # but the font character width is 15.
     list [.t bbox 1.1] [.t bbox 1.6] [.t dlineinfo 1.0] [.t dlineinfo 3.0]
-} [list [list 12 [expr {5+$ascentDiff}] 7 $fixedHeight] [list 52 5 13 27] [list 5 5 114 27 [font metrics $bigFont -ascent]] [list 5 [expr {2* $fixedDiff + 85}] 35 $fixedHeight [expr {$fixedDiff + 10}]]]
+} [list \
+    [list [expr {$padx+$fixedWidth}] \
+        [expr {$pady+$bigFixedAscent-$fixedAscent}] \
+        $fixedWidth $fixedHeight] \
+    [list [expr {$padx+5*$fixedWidth+$bigFixedWidth}] $pady \
+        [expr {$bigFixedWidth)}] $bigFixedHeight] \
+    [list $padx $pady \
+        [expr {7*$fixedWidth+5*$bigFixedWidth}] \
+        $bigFixedHeight $bigFixedAscent] \
+    [list $padx [expr {$pady+2*$fixedHeight+2*$bigFixedHeight}] \
+        [expr {5*$fixedWidth}] $fixedHeight $fixedAscent] \
+    ]
 .t configure -wrap char
 test textDisp-4.1 {UpdateDisplayInfo, basic} {textfonts} {
     .t delete 1.0 end
     .t insert end "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\n"