TIP Render

Top-level Files of tip

Top-level Files of tip

Files in the top-level directory from the latest check-in

TIP Rendering Engine

A  CGI script  to render  TIPs into  other formatting  languages (like
HTML, LaTeX, Plain Text, XML, etc.


Copyright (c) 2000 Donal K. Fellows

This  software is  provided 'as-is',  without any  express  or implied
warranty. In no event will the  authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone  to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this software  must not be misrepresented; you must
     not claim that you wrote  the original software.  If you use this
     software  in   a  product,  an  acknowledgment   in  the  product
     documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

  2. Altered source versions must be  plainly marked as such, and must
     not be misrepresented as being the original software.

  3. This  notice  may not  be  removed  or  altered from  any  source


As a CGI script:
    Modify tip.tcl to suit your local setup (in particular, to tell it
    where your  local TIP  archive is!) and  you'll be ready  to roll.
    All you need  to do at this point is to  make your webserver start
    it in  response to the  right CGI request.   Note that due  to the
    peculiarities of how the script behaves, it looks like a directory
    in use, so  you are probably better off installing  it so that the
    script is named without an extension...

    Modify parse.tcl to suit your  local setup (in particular, to tell
    it where your local TIP archive  is!) and you'll be ready to roll.
    All you need to  do then is run parse.tcl and give  it the name of
    the file you want it to generate (in the form tipnumber.extension)
    in the current directory.  You  can specify extra packages for the
    LaTeX  formatter  to   use  using  the  LATEXPACKAGES  environment
    variable (as a comma-separated list) and extra (global) options to
    the  packages  using  the  LATEXOPTS environment  variable  (as  a
    comma-separated list.)

For generating TIP Editor messages to comp.lang.tcl.announce:
    Modify postnews.tcl  to suit your  local setup, and then  call the
    script with a single argument: the number of the TIP to format (as
    plain text) and  send a notification on USENET  about.  DO NOT USE

For generating the whole TIP archive as a single LaTeX2e document:
    Modify tiparchive.tcl to suit your local setup, and then call with
    no arguments.  The  output is generated on standard  out.  You can
    specify extra  packages for the  LaTeX formatter to use  using the
    LATEXPACKAGES environment variable (as a comma-separated list) and
    extra  (global)  options  to  the  packages  using  the  LATEXOPTS
    environment variable (as a comma-separated list.)

Donal K. Fellows.  25th October, 2000