
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 40de2e997b71610e04d35e968e4a7e8999a6170f
Title: tdbc::odbc on MacOSX with iODBC driver manager has SQLWCHAR impedance mismatch
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2018-06-19 01:21:47
Version Found In: 1.0.5, current
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2017-09-04 21:03:33: (text/x-fossil-plain)
The default ODBC driver manager on MacOSX is iODBC, which uses "typedef wchar_t SQLWCHAR" on POSIX platforms.
This clashes with Tcl's "typedef unsigned short Tcl_UniChar". I've tried to solve this in AndroWish/undroidwish
with check-in and tested it with the SQLite3
ODBC driver on MacOSX. The strange observation was that the iODBC translation layer, which converts between
wide-char and ANSI entry points, is buggy regarding character counting. The temporary solution was to
build the SQLite3 ODBC driver explicitely with wide-char interfaces (configure option --with-winterface).

chw added on 2018-01-07 10:46:58: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Meanwhile I've updated the iODBC support for MacOSX (and OpenBSD) for version 1.0.6 in this check-in:

kbk added on 2018-06-19 01:21:47: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Fixed in 1.1.0