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Ticket UUID: c06272a2f74b8850cb4e2e7d13474f4b55b250ac
Title: namespace problems
Status: Closed Type: Documentation
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Client_Side Resolution: Misconfiguration
Assigned to: gerald
Last Modified: 2015-03-13 01:55:12
Version Found In: 2.3.5
Description & Comments:
Hi.. I'm new to the SOAP Stuff so you might excuse the questions if the problem is trivial.. it is not to me.

attached you can find a log from the WS Server comparing a call from soapUI and the non working code from tclws.

how can I configure the client to make the calls as sopaUI? I guess the mai problem is the parameter which also contains the tns1:

<tns1:projectName>MQB_B_XB16</tns1:projectName> should be <projectName>MQB_B_XB16</projectName>

###### RIGHT: ######

<inbound> <v3:setVehicleProject xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v3=""> <projectName>MQB_B_XB16</projectName> </v3:setVehicleProject> </inbound>

###### Wrong: ######

<inbound> <tns1:setVehicleProject xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:tns8="http://localhost:8085/OdisAutomationService" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:tns5="" xmlns:tns4="" xmlns:tns3="" xmlns:tns2="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=""> <tns1:projectName>MQB_B_XB16</tns1:projectName> </tns1:setVehicleProject> </inbound>

anonymous added on 2013-09-17 09:18:11 UTC:
found suppressTargetNS

but also had to comment out the following lines that added the xmlns which was missinterpreted by the server and lead to problems

ClientSide.tcl 2158ff:

if {[dict exists $serviceInfo noTargetNs] && ![dict get $serviceInfo noTargetNs]} { $env setAttribute "xmlns" [dict get $xnsList tns1] }