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Ticket UUID: ea054d339d0fdc2c069c4c91ce2412948374256a
Title: WS Client call returns empty error message on missing/wrong authentication
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Client_Side Resolution: Fixed
Assigned to: unassigned
Last Modified: 2015-06-16 17:07:51
Version Found In: trunk
Description & Comments:
::WS::Client::DoCall returns an empty error message if the user authentication is missing/wrong.

This issue is addressed in branch [client-http-error].

The http package error message is returned. This is only available if http::status returns "error". In this case, http::status returned "ok", but http::ncode is 401 "Not authorized".

The patch adds a generic routine to return an error message in all cases.

oehhar added on 2015-06-16 17:07:14 UTC:
Fixed by commit [3647d0b69f]