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Ticket UUID: 4e0b6f18e34c27a9a766056efea9c7a071f21549
Title: How to use WS::Client with proxy
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Client_Side Resolution: Works_As_Designed
Assigned to: unassigned
Last Modified: 2016-08-29 09:39:57
Version Found In: 2.3.8
Description & Comments:
How I can use WS::Client over a proxy-server with and without password-authentification?

oehhar added on 2016-08-26 18:07:50 UTC:
IMHO you should load and configure the package outoproxy before the call. Thien, it should work.

Please report here if it works for you.

Hope this helps, Harald

anonymous added on 2016-08-29 07:34:35 UTC:
Yes, with autoproxy it works. I have to register autoproxy before I call WS::Client.

package require http package require autoproxy set env(http_proxy) ... set env(https_proxy) ... set env(no_proxy) ...

autoproxy::init http::register https 443 [list autoproxy::tls_socket <tls-parameter>] WS::Client ...

Thanky you. Marc