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Artifact ID: 888dab063b39526173afd3255b51b99323b28112
Ticket: ab9ad7b044f5ac7e2b82e8c7e92ab9d53eba573a
Trying [9c7e118edb] results in http error
User & Date: oehhar 2015-06-02 15:27:48

  1. Appended to comment:
    <hr /><i>oehhar added on 2015-06-02 15:27:48 UTC:</i><br />
    Proposed fix in branch [bug-ab9ad7b044] in checkin [ea054d339d].
    The issue is as follows:
       *   Checkin [411a2eb59f] made double quotes around the SOAPAction header. The resulting list was: 'SOAPAction {"ws:action"}'.
       *   Then, there is a map that all "{}" are replaced by double quotes, resulting in 'SOAPAction ""ws:action""'.
       *   This is not a list any more which causes the http package to complain.
    The fix is to remove the map commands:
    -                -headers [string map {\{ \" \} \"} $headers] \
    +                -headers $headers \
    I can only guess the purpose of those.
    I suppose they are just wrong.
    The proposed fix also fixes a supposed list issue:
    set svcHeaders [dict get $serviceArr($serviceName) headers]
    if {[llength $svcHeaders]} {
    -        lappend headers $svcHeaders
    +        set headers [concat $headers $svcHeaders]
    I would be happy for a review.
  2. resolution changed to: "Fixed"
  3. status changed to: "Review"