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<title>Web Services for Tcl (aka tclws): Defining Types</title>
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<table class="toc" id="toc">
        <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Overview"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Overview</span></a>
        </li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Loading_the_Webservices_Utility_Package"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Loading the Webservices
        Utility Package</span></a>
        </li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Defining_a_type"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext" type="">Defining a type</span></a>
        </li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Deriving_a_type"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext" type="">Defining a derived type</span></a>
        </li><li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Getting_a_type_definition"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext" type="">Getting a type
        definition</span></a> </li>
        <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#Template_dict_for_type_definition"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext" type="">Generating a template dictionary for a type
        definition</span></a> </li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table>


<p><a name="Overview"></a>
</p><h2>Overview </h2>
<p>Webservice Type declaration is part of the Webservices Utility package. </p>
<p>When writing a web service it is often requried to write a complex type
definition for an argument containing structured data. </p>
<p>When calling an operation on a web service it is sometimes convient to define
a complex type to return structured data as an XML fragment even though the
sevice may state that it is only expecting a string. </p>

<p><a name="Loading_the_Webservices_Utility_Package"></a>
</p><h2>Loading the Webservices Utility Package </h2>
<p>To load the webservices server package, do: </p><pre> package require WS::Utils
<p>This command will only load the utilities the first time it is used, so it
causes no ill effects to put this in each file using the utilties. </p>

<p><a name="Defining_a_type"></a>
</p><h2>Defining a type </h2>
<p><b>Procedure Name</b>&nbsp;: <i>::WS::Utils::ServiceTypeDef</i> </p>
<p><b>Description</b>&nbsp;: Define a type for a service. </p>
<p><b>Arguments</b>&nbsp;: </p><pre>     <i>mode</i>            - <b>Client</b> or <b>Server</b>
     <i>service</i>         - The name of the service this type definition is for
     <i>type</i>            - The type to be defined/redefined
     <i>definition</i>      - The definition of the type's fields.  This consist of one
                           or more occurance of a field definition.  Each field definition
                           consist of:  fieldName fieldInfo
                           Where field info is: {<b>type</b> typeName <b>comment</b> commentString}
                              <i>typeName</i> can be any simple or defined type.
                              <i>commentString</i> is a quoted string describing the field.
<p><b>Returns</b>&nbsp;: Nothing </p>
<p><b>Side-Effects</b>&nbsp;: None </p>
<p><b>Exception Conditions</b>&nbsp;: None </p>
<p><b>Pre-requisite Conditions</b>&nbsp;: None </p>

<p><a name="Deriving_a_type"></a>
</p><h2>Defining a derived type </h2>
<p><b>Procedure Name</b>&nbsp;: <i>::WS::Utils::ServiceSimpleTypeDef</i> </p>
<p><b>Description</b>&nbsp;: Define a derived type for a service. </p>
<p><b>Arguments</b>&nbsp;: </p><pre>     <i>mode</i>            - <b>Client</b> or <b>Server</b>
     <i>service</i>         - The name of the service this type definition is for
     <i>type</i>            - The type to be defined/redefined
     <i>definition</i>      - The definition of the type's fields.  This consist of one
                           or more occurance of a field definition.  Each field definition
                           consist of:  fieldName fieldInfo
                           Where: {<b>type</b> typeName <b>comment</b> commentString}
                              <b>baseType</b> <i>typeName</i> - any simple or defined type.
                              <b>comment</b> <i>commentString</i> - a quoted string describing the field.
                              <b>pattern</b> <i>value</i>
                              <b>length</b> <i>value</i>
                              <b>fixed</b> <i>"true"|"false"</i>
                              <b>maxLength</b> <i>value</i>
                              <b>minLength</b> <i>value</i>
                              <b>minInclusive</b> <i>value</i>
                              <b>maxInclusive</b> <i>value</i>
                              <b>enumeration</b> <i>value</i>

<p><b>Returns</b>&nbsp;: Nothing </p>
<p><b>Side-Effects</b>&nbsp;: None </p>
<p><b>Exception Conditions</b>&nbsp;: None </p>
<p><b>Pre-requisite Conditions</b>&nbsp;: None </p>

<p><a name="Getting_a_type_definition"></a>
</p><h2>Getting a type definition </h2>
<p><b>Procedure Name</b>&nbsp;: <i>::WS::Utils::GetServiceTypeDef</i> </p>
<p><b>Description</b>&nbsp;: Query for type definitions. </p>
<p><b>Arguments</b>&nbsp;: </p><pre>     <i>mode</i>            - <b>Client</b> or <b>Server</b>
     <i>service</i>         - The name of the service this query is for
     <i>type</i>            - The type to be retrieved (optional)
<p><b>Returns</b>&nbsp;: </p><pre>     If type not provided, a dictionary object describing all of the types
     for the service.
     If type provided, a dictionary object describing the type.
       A definition consist of a dictionary object with the following key/values:
         <b>xns</b>         - The namespace for this type.
         <b>definition</b>  - The definition of the type's fields.  This consist of one
                       or more occurance of a field definition.  Each field definition
                       consist of:  fieldName fieldInfo
                       Where field info is: {<b>type</b> <i>typeName</i> <b>comment</b> <b>commentString</b>}
                         <i>typeName</i> can be any simple or defined type.
                         <i>commentString</i> is a quoted string describing the field.
<p><b>Side-Effects</b>&nbsp;: None </p>
<p><b>Exception Conditions</b>&nbsp;: None </p>
<p><b>Pre-requisite Conditions</b>&nbsp;: The service must be defined. </p>

<hr />
<a name="Template_dict_for_type_definition"></a>
</p><h2>Generating a template dictionary for a type definition </h2>
<p><b>Procedure Name</b>&nbsp;: <i>::WS::Utils::GenerateTemplateDict</i> </p>
<p><b>Description</b>&nbsp;: Generate a template dictionary object for a given type.</p>
<p><b>Arguments</b>&nbsp;: </p><pre>     <i>mode</i>            - <b>Client</b> or <b>Server</b>
     <i>serviceName</i>     - The service name the type is defined in
     <i>type</i>            - The name of the type
     <i>arraySize</i>       - Number of elements to generate in an array.  Default is 2.
<p><b>Returns</b>&nbsp;: </p><pre>      A dictionary object for a given type.  If any circular references exist, they will have the value of &lt;** Circular Reference **&gt;
<p><b>Side-Effects</b>&nbsp;: None </p>
<p><b>Exception Conditions</b>&nbsp;: None </p>
<p><b>Pre-requisite Conditions</b>&nbsp;: The type and service must be defined. </p>
