Tcl Library Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 0cd18e8fd5fb90c68b1a963abe7390a6e05abf14
Ticket: 631a44ed66fbb33373f1d5342a0ae5d1ba6dd38b
WebSocket clients can block server
User & Date: anonymous 2015-04-17 06:48:13

  1. icomment:
    A recipe for a client blocking the server by refusing to read:
    package require websocket;
    namespace eval ::s {};
    proc ::s::accept {sock args} {
        puts "server: new connection $args";
        ::websocket::takeover $sock [list ::s::handler] 1 {};
        ::websocket::send $sock text [string repeat "Welcome" 1000000];
    proc ::s::handler {sock type args} {
        puts "$sock: $type $args";
    proc ::s::canary {interval} {
        puts "canary: Still alive...";
        ::after $interval [list ::s::canary $interval];
    ::s::canary 1000;
    ::socket -server [list ::s::accept] 54321;
    In the second shell run the following command:
    nc localhost 54321 | { sleep 5s; wc; }
  2. login: "anonymous"
  3. mimetype: "text/plain"