Tcl Library Source Code

Artifact [91341e5033]

Artifact 91341e50331050e07aeef7ca0d9f9a83aac892c2:

Attachment "aes-modernize.diff" to ticket [358a88716e] added by anonymous 2014-09-23 07:37:37. (unpublished)
Index: modules/aes/aes.tcl
--- modules/aes/aes.tcl
+++ modules/aes/aes.tcl
@@ -145,15 +145,12 @@
     upvar #0 $Key state
     if {[binary scan $block Iu4 data] != 1} {
         return -code error "invalid block size: blocks must be 16 bytes"
-    if {[string equal $state(M) cbc]} {
-        for {set n 0} {$n < 4} {incr n} {
-            lappend data2 [expr {0xffffffff & ([lindex $data $n] ^ [lindex $state(I) $n])}]
-        }
-        set data $data2
+    if {$state(M) eq {cbc}} {
+        set data [lmap d $data s $state(I) {expr {$d ^ $s}}]
     set data [AddRoundKey $Key 0 $data]
     for {set n 1} {$n < $state(Nr)} {incr n} {
         set data [AddRoundKey $Key $n [MixColumns [ShiftRows [SubBytes $data]]]]
@@ -160,17 +157,14 @@
     set data [AddRoundKey $Key $n [ShiftRows [SubBytes $data]]]
     # Bug 2993029:
     # Force all elements of data into the 32bit range.
-    set res {}
-    foreach d $data {
-        lappend res [expr {$d & 0xffffffff}]
-    }
+    set res [lmap d $data {expr {$d & 0xffffffff}}]
     set state(I) $res
-    return [binary format Iu4 $res]
+    binary format Iu4 $res
 # 5.3: Inverse Cipher: Decipher a single 128 bit block.
 proc ::aes::DecryptBlock {Key block} {
     upvar #0 $Key state
@@ -185,40 +179,33 @@
         set data [InvMixColumns [AddRoundKey $Key $n [InvSubBytes [InvShiftRows $data]]]]
     set data [AddRoundKey $Key $n [InvSubBytes [InvShiftRows $data]]]
     if {[string equal $state(M) cbc]} {
-        for {set n 0} {$n < 4} {incr n} {
-            lappend data2 [expr {0xffffffff & ([lindex $data $n] ^ [lindex $state(I) $n])}]
-        }
-        set data $data2
+        set data [lmap d $data s $state(I) {expr {0xffffffff & ($d ^ $s)}}]
     } else {
         # Bug 2993029:
         # Force all elements of data into the 32bit range.
         # The trimming we see above only happens for CBC mode.
-        set res {}
-        foreach d $data {
-            lappend res [expr {$d & 0xffffffff}]
-        }
-        set data $res
+        set data [lmap d $data {expr {$d & 0xffffffff}}]
     set state(I) $iv
-    return [binary format Iu4 $data]
+    binary format Iu4 $data
 # 5.2: KeyExpansion
 proc ::aes::ExpandKey {Key} {
     upvar #0 $Key state
     set Rcon [list 0x00000000 0x01000000 0x02000000 0x04000000 0x08000000 \
-                  0x10000000 0x20000000 0x40000000 0x80000000 0x1b000000 \
-                  0x36000000 0x6c000000 0xd8000000 0xab000000 0x4d000000]
+                   0x10000000 0x20000000 0x40000000 0x80000000 0x1b000000 \
+                   0x36000000 0x6c000000 0xd8000000 0xab000000 0x4d000000]
     # Split the key into Nk big-endian words
     binary scan $state(K) I* W
     set max [expr {$state(Nb) * ($state(Nr) + 1)}]
     set i $state(Nk)
-    set h $state(Nk) ; incr h -1
+    set h [expr {$i - 1}]
     set j 0
     for {} {$i < $max} {incr i; incr h; incr j} {
         set temp [lindex $W $h]
         if {($i % $state(Nk)) == 0} {
             set sub [SubWord [RotWord $temp]]
@@ -228,29 +215,28 @@
             set temp [SubWord $temp]
         lappend W [expr {[lindex $W $j] ^ $temp}]
     set state(W) $W
-    return
 # 5.2: Key Expansion: Apply S-box to each byte in the 32 bit word
 proc ::aes::SubWord {w} {
     variable sbox
-    set s3 [lindex $sbox [expr {(($w >> 24) & 255)}]]
-    set s2 [lindex $sbox [expr {(($w >> 16) & 255)}]]
-    set s1 [lindex $sbox [expr {(($w >> 8 ) & 255)}]]
-    set s0 [lindex $sbox [expr {( $w        & 255)}]]
+    set s3 [lindex $sbox [expr {($w >> 24) & 255}]]
+    set s2 [lindex $sbox [expr {($w >> 16) & 255}]]
+    set s1 [lindex $sbox [expr {($w >> 8 ) & 255}]]
+    set s0 [lindex $sbox [expr { $w        & 255}]]
     return [expr {($s3 << 24) | ($s2 << 16) | ($s1 << 8) | $s0}]
 proc ::aes::InvSubWord {w} {
     variable xobs
-    set s3 [lindex $xobs [expr {(($w >> 24) & 255)}]]
-    set s2 [lindex $xobs [expr {(($w >> 16) & 255)}]]
-    set s1 [lindex $xobs [expr {(($w >> 8 ) & 255)}]]
-    set s0 [lindex $xobs [expr {( $w        & 255)}]]
+    set s3 [lindex $xobs [expr {($w >> 24) & 255}]]
+    set s2 [lindex $xobs [expr {($w >> 16) & 255}]]
+    set s1 [lindex $xobs [expr {($w >> 8 ) & 255}]]
+    set s0 [lindex $xobs [expr { $w        & 255}]]
     return [expr {($s3 << 24) | ($s2 << 16) | ($s1 << 8) | $s0}]
 # 5.2: Key Expansion: Rotate a 32bit word by 8 bits
 proc ::aes::RotWord {w} {
@@ -257,24 +243,16 @@
     return [expr {(($w << 8) | (($w >> 24) & 0xff)) & 0xffffffff}]
 # 5.1.1: SubBytes() Transformation
 proc ::aes::SubBytes {words} {
-    set r {}
-    foreach w $words {
-        lappend r [SubWord $w]
-    }
-    return $r
+    lmap w $words {SubWord $w}
 # 5.3.2: InvSubBytes() Transformation
 proc ::aes::InvSubBytes {words} {
-    set r {}
-    foreach w $words {
-        lappend r [InvSubWord $w]
-    }
-    return $r
+    lmap w $words {InvSubWord $w}
 # 5.1.2: ShiftRows() Transformation
 proc ::aes::ShiftRows {words} {
     for {set n0 0} {$n0 < 4} {incr n0} {
@@ -380,40 +358,40 @@
         0x9b 0x99 0x9f 0x9d 0x93 0x91 0x97 0x95 0x8b 0x89 0x8f 0x8d 0x83 0x81 0x87 0x85 
         0xbb 0xb9 0xbf 0xbd 0xb3 0xb1 0xb7 0xb5 0xab 0xa9 0xaf 0xad 0xa3 0xa1 0xa7 0xa5 
         0xdb 0xd9 0xdf 0xdd 0xd3 0xd1 0xd7 0xd5 0xcb 0xc9 0xcf 0xcd 0xc3 0xc1 0xc7 0xc5 
         0xfb 0xf9 0xff 0xfd 0xf3 0xf1 0xf7 0xf5 0xeb 0xe9 0xef 0xed 0xe3 0xe1 0xe7 0xe5
-    return [lindex $xtime $number]
+    lindex $xtime $number
 proc ::aes::GFMult3 {number} {
     # multliply by 2 (via GFMult2) and add the number again on the result (via XOR)
-    return [expr {$number ^ [GFMult2 $number]}]
+    expr {$number ^ [GFMult2 $number]}
 proc ::aes::GFMult09 {number} {
     # 09 is: (02*02*02) + 01
-    return [expr {[GFMult2 [GFMult2 [GFMult2 $number]]] ^ $number}]
+    expr {[GFMult2 [GFMult2 [GFMult2 $number]]] ^ $number}
 proc ::aes::GFMult0b {number} {
     # 0b is: (02*02*02) + 02 + 01
     #return [expr [GFMult2 [GFMult2 [GFMult2 $number]]] ^ [GFMult2 $number] ^ $number]
     #set g0 [GFMult2 $number]
-    return [expr {[GFMult09 $number] ^ [GFMult2 $number]}]
+    expr {[GFMult09 $number] ^ [GFMult2 $number]}
 proc ::aes::GFMult0d {number} {
     # 0d is: (02*02*02) + (02*02) + 01
     set temp [GFMult2 [GFMult2 $number]]
-    return [expr {[GFMult2 $temp] ^ ($temp ^ $number)}]
+    expr {[GFMult2 $temp] ^ ($temp ^ $number)}
 proc ::aes::GFMult0e {number} {
     # 0e is: (02*02*02) + (02*02) + 02
     set temp [GFMult2 [GFMult2 $number]]
-    return [expr {[GFMult2 $temp] ^ ($temp ^ [GFMult2 $number])}]
+    expr {[GFMult2 $temp] ^ ($temp ^ [GFMult2 $number])}
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # aes::Encrypt --
@@ -453,37 +431,37 @@
     return $result
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fileevent handler for chunked file reading.
+# chan event handler for chunked file reading.
 proc ::aes::Chunk {Key in {out {}} {chunksize 4096}} {
     upvar #0 $Key state
     #puts ||CHUNK.X||i=$in|o=$out|c=$chunksize|eof=[eof $in]
     if {[eof $in]} {
-        fileevent $in readable {}
+        chan event $in readable {}
         set state(reading) 0
     set data [read $in $chunksize]
     #puts ||CHUNK.R||i=$in|o=$out|c=$chunksize|eof=[eof $in]||[string length $data]||$data||
     # Do nothing when data was read at all.
-    if {![string length $data]} return
+    if {$data eq {}} return
     if {[eof $in]} {
         #puts CHUNK.Z
         set data [Pad $data 16]
     #puts ||CHUNK.P||i=$in|o=$out|c=$chunksize|eof=[eof $in]||[string length $data]||$data||
-    if {$out == {}} {
+    if {$out eq {}} {
         append state(output) [$state(cmd) $Key $data]
     } else {
         puts -nonewline $out [$state(cmd) $Key $data]
@@ -492,11 +470,11 @@
     set ndx [lsearch -glob $lst "${item}*"]
     if {$ndx == -1} {
         set err [join $lst ", "]
         return -code error "invalid mode \"$item\": must be one of $err"
-    return [lindex $lst $ndx]
+    lindex $lst $ndx
 proc ::aes::CheckSize {what size thing} {
     if {[string length $thing] != $size} {
         return -code error "invalid value for $what: must be $size bytes long"
@@ -520,15 +498,10 @@
     set r [lindex $args $nth]
     set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth]
     return $r
-proc ::aes::Hex {data} {
-    binary scan $data H* r
-    return $r 
 proc ::aes::aes {args} {
     array set opts {-dir encrypt -mode cbc -key {} -in {} -out {} -chunksize 4096 -hex 0}
     set opts(-iv) [string repeat \0 16]
     set modes {ecb cbc}
     set dirs {encrypt decrypt}
@@ -550,16 +523,16 @@
         Pop args
-    if {$opts(-key) == {}} {
+    if {$opts(-key) eq {}} {
         return -code error "no key provided: the -key option is required"
     set r {}
-    if {$opts(-in) == {}} {
+    if {$opts(-in) eq {}} {
         if {[llength $args] != 1} {
             return -code error "wrong \# args:\
                 should be \"aes ?options...? -key keydata plaintext\""
@@ -570,11 +543,11 @@
             set r [Encrypt $Key $data]
         } else {
             set r [Decrypt $Key $data]
-        if {$opts(-out) != {}} {
+        if {$opts(-out) ne {}} {
             puts -nonewline $opts(-out) $r
             set r {}
         Final $Key
@@ -597,11 +570,11 @@
             set state(cmd) Encrypt
         } else {
             set state(cmd) Decrypt
         set state(output) ""
-        fileevent $opts(-in) readable $readcmd
+        chan event $opts(-in) readable $readcmd
         if {[info commands ::tkwait] != {}} {
             tkwait variable [subst $Key](reading)
         } else {
             vwait [subst $Key](reading)
@@ -610,11 +583,11 @@
         Final $Key
     if {$opts(-hex)} {
-        set r [Hex $r]
+        binary scan $r H* r
     return $r
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------